Chapter Two

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Right as I walked into my apartment, I yelled out for Len. He immediately poked his head out from the kitchen, and he looked like he was going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble.

"How did you know I worked there?" I inquired loudly with a hit of annoyance in my tone.

"I..don't know. Just a gut feeling, I guess." He answered with a shrug.

He seemed a bit different than before when he came to visit me, which was strange. Len looked more confident and outgoing more than usual.

"How come you seemed...different?"

"Different? I don't know what you mean."

"You were acting all nice and outgoing? But at home you seem...quiet and shy." I clarified.

"I just put on a charade to make people think I'm normal. I am normal, but like, I want to make people think I'm a totally different person. I think it's fun." Len chuckled as he opened a bag of chips and popped a chip into his mouth.

"Fun? I thought you had some personality disorder." I stated, placing my belongings onto the couch. Flickering on the TV, I began to watch what was currently on.

"That's the point. Now, I'll be in my room for the next thirteen hours."

He walked into his bland room and slammed the door behind him.

'There he goes again, doing the unknown. He better not be doing what I think he's doing.' I said subconsciously.

I left him alone for the time being. It was starting to get late, so I decided to make a small microwave dinner: Mac and Cheese. Yeah, I know, the microwavable ones are the worst, but what else could I whip up in five minutes? Putting the Mac and Cheese into the microwave and setting it must have reminded Len it was dinner. He threw his door wide open and shouted, "Oh dang!! It's dinner!! I totally forgot!!!"

"How could you forget? Food is important." I frowned.

"Sometimes I'm so busy I forget to eat. Perks of being a student." The blond shrugged as he walked into the kitchen with me. He opened the fridge and frowned. "You need to go grocery shopping more often."

"First of all, you're a student? And second, me? You're the one that does nothing all day."

"A: Yeah, I'm a student at an art institute. B: You're really gonna let a poor college student who barely has any money to go shopping?" He plastered a pouty face and burst out laughing after. "Just kidding, I have money. I'll go buy some food later."

My "dinner" was finished, so I pulled it out of the microwave, grabbed a utensil, and sat down at the small table that could barely fit two people at once. Len gave a disgusted look at me, then my meal. Shooting him a glare made him look away.

"Disgusting. Microwave Mac and Cheese? How poor are you?" The boy sneered. "Anyways, I'll grab a bag of chips and my precious soda and be on my way."

I nodded and continued to eat. Len has some bad eating habits, but I don't want to interfere and be a total ass about it. Besides, he's just a roommate, why should I be in all of his business?


It's three in the morning, and Len's still not asleep. All of the noise coming from his room bothered me so much; I still don't get why these walls are so thin.

Out of curiosity, I quietly opened my door and saw light coming from his room. It sounded like mouse clicking and keyboard typing, and it was coming from behind his door. Slowly and quietly opening his door, I saw a computer set up on his desk, then I saw Len sitting in front of it, mumbling some stuff.

Deciding not to go further into this stealth mission, I closed his door again, but this time a bit louder. I guess he has good hearing because as soon as I took one step, Len opened his door and asked, "What are you doing up so late? Go back to sleep."

"What are you doing up so late? You were on your computer." I retorted, sassily placing my hands on my hips.

"I was doing school work."

Seemed reasonable.

"Oh, um, sorry about the intrusion." Quickly walking back into my room, I crossed my arms across my chest in an embarrassed manner.

Why was I embarrassed? It was just a small mistake.

"Don't be. I'd like some company once in a while." Len let out a big toothy smile to lift my spirits. I smiled back as I closed my door.

'Time to actually go back to sleep. Maybe he'll be quieter after talking to me.' I concluded as my eyes began to close. 'Goodnight.'

My Mysterious Roommate~Len x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now