Panel -» Sebastian Stan

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Word Count: 667

Warnings: none.

Ft. Elizabeth Olsen

Prompt: You and the cast of Civil War are invited to Comic Con, after you finish one of your interviews by fans you decide to be mean to Seb during one of his interviews since you had nothing better to do.

You sigh with a smile you had just finished your own panel with Liz. You both walked around carelessly to see the scene of Comic Con, and enjoy sometime together. You checked the time on your phone.

"Hey, when's Seb's panel thing?" You ask Liz she shrugs.

"I don't know, but if I'm correct it should be now." She answers you smirk.

You head towards his panel thing. Heading in you hold your index finger up to your lips asking the fans to stay quiet and act normal. You sit there watching him answer questions for a few minutes waiting for the right time to act like someone else.

Soon you find the right time, he was laughing with the audience so you walked up to the next guy to ask a question at the mic "Can I?" You motion towards the mic he nods quickly grinning "Thank you." You whisper quietly.

The moderator smiles "Alright, a question from the right mic please?" He motions towards your mic, Sebastian was still a little to focused on laughing.

You try your hardest to deepen your voice as you asked your question "So how did you manage, to like, get a babe like Y/n?" You keep your face down so he wouldn't recognize your face.

Sebastian stopped laughing as he smiled "I think it's because of my personality." He shrugs.

"But I like to say it's because of my good looks." Seb smiles.

"What good looks?" You tease he gasps towards you.

"Well fine, please come up here and tell me how I managed to 'get a babe like Y/n'." He uses your words throwing his hand out that was clutching the mic.

You shrug and head up on the stage with him and the moderator, you take the mic and smile "It's your hair." You answer smiling.

Seb looks at you "Are you serious? My hair? Not my amazing looks? Or how nice I am?" You look at him holding back your laughter.

"Nice? You? No." You laugh along with the crowd of Sebby fans.

"I am too nice!" Sebastian pouts making the crowd 'aw'

"You stole my fries at that one diner! And then an hour later you took a bite of my sandwich, that I made!" You point out.

"It's called sharing, love." He smiles.

You scoff and hand him the mic turning and leaving so you could get ready for the cast panel you had in a few. "I love you!" Seb calls you shrug turning to face him with a smile.

"A lot of people do." You turn and head towards the door leaving the crowd to laugh and laugh even harder when Seb made a pouty face.

Group Panel:

You sit on stage with the cast talking about different things about the show, and the cast. You listen to Chris talk about the prank war you started on set and how you were the queen of prank wars "Overall she managed to fill my trailer with glitter, everywhere. In each room she even put it on my walls." Mackie laughs.

"And when she put all those balloons in my car." Chris points out everyone was laughing and having a good time.

"But it did end." Liz smiles.

"When?" You ask.

"What did you do?" You laugh "It's what I'm going to do." You smile widely.

You got on a more serious topic about the show, Sebastian got up after you insulted him on his 'bad moves' in Just Dance. You watch him walk towards the door "Wait, no! I love you!"

Seb turns around and smirks "A lot of people do." You look at him "Bye!" The cast grins waving him off.

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