Because I do -» Joshua

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Word Count: 703

Warnings: None.

Prompt: You and Joshua were engaged, and you were currently talking with both your parents. You had already told his family, and now here you were with your parents. It was good until they mentioned a 'psycho' family.

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"Joshua? Are you ready?" He nods looking at you "Don't ever tell me you aren't ready, because you always are." He pecks your lips before grabbing the keys.

"You're far too nervous." You giggle leaving the house with him.

"Yet, you love me." You nod "My mistake." You shrug smiling.

Joshua scoffs before getting in the car with you "You're parents are fine with me right?" Joshua asks for the billionth time.

"Yes! Joshua, they love you. Now just calm down and get us to their house on time." You smile towards him.

You came from a wealthy family, and like always you were trying to straighten your life out piece by piece. Just like your mum had told you to. When you first started dating Joshua you were sure your family would hate him, but instead they just welcomed him in like he was family himself.

As soon as you get there, your parents hurried you two in and sat you down on the couch. Conversation by conversation went by as you and Joshua went over the wedding with your parents.

"Well son, you seemed to pick a mighty fine venue." Your dad smiles.

Joshua smiled back "I tried to pick only the best." He assures your father.

"As long as that psycho family isn't there." Your mum comments.

"What do you mean? What psycho family?" Your mum smiles sweetly.

"His dear, have you met them. His family is psycho, I just don't want them there to ruin your wedding." You froze with a smile on your face that you were unaware of.

"My family?" Joshua questions, oh no.

"Yes, sweet heart. They're like a circus." Your mum concludes.

"I have to agree, a worthless mother, and the rest are just clowns." Your mouth fell slightly open at your dads words and your breathing stopped.

"Worthless mother? Clowns?" Joshua was confused at the sudden change of your family but just nodded his head.

"Mum, dad. Not now, we'll work that out later." You try to control the situation.

"No, no, no. Y/n I wanna know what your parents think of my family coming to the wedding." Joshua takes your hand with a fake smile.

This wasn't going to end well.

"We just don't think they should come, that's all." Your mum smiles.

"No my mothers worthless, my family is just a bunch of clowns. And what about me?" Joshua kept a calm voice as he asked his question.

"You are better then the rest of them." Joshua nods.

"Maybe you shouldn't come." Joshua comments you gasp not expecting that.

"Joshua, this is my family." You whisper.

"And they just get to sit there and talk about mine like that? It's not fair if my family doesn't get to go and they do." Joshua releases your hand.

"Joshua, they were just sharing their opinion." You look down.

"And I was sharing mine!" He fights back you glare at him "We have to go, we'll talk to you guys later." You stand up "Maybe you will." Joshua stands up.

"You know what! Leave! I'm staying here tonight." You sigh.

Joshua looks at you "Have a good night, love." He walks out and you stand there hurt "Oh, honey." You look at your mum.

"This wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have said what you did! It's his family and they are going!" You sit in the guest bedroom alone and upset.

"Y/n?" You look up at your fiancé Joshua.

"What are doing here?" He shrugs.

"I felt bad, and I couldn't sleep... Because you weren't there." You stand up walking over to him and wrapping your arms around him "You're family is coming." You nuzzle into his chest as he wraps his arms around you.

"Your parents told me, thank you." He whispers.

You look up at him "What can I say? I love the guy from a psycho family." Joshua smirks "And I love you." He smiles widely.

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