Survey Time Danosaurs!

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Hey mates, so in order for me to get a good grip on what you guys would like/love I have a few questions for you guys. Since I am making a big return to Wattpad I would LOVE to get your guys' opinion on some ideas I have, this is a small survey but there are no right or wrong answers! And I am a very flexible person so if you have an idea then drop it on down in the comments near the question asked.

Alright ready? Here we go there are a total of __4__ questions.

1. How do well do you enjoy this book? 1-10 rating- 1 being bad and 10 being amazing. (Answer honestly, and give feed back about what I can improve.)

2. Would you like to see more Marvel Images on my page (not in the book.)?

3. How would you guys feel about me creating a Chris Evans Images book, or like Robert Downey Jr. Or Pietro. Or just another character?

4. Would any of you recommend this book, or not?

Okay guys! Please, please, please tell me you guys answered honestly! I love each and everyone of you and it doesn't hurt my feelings if you want me to change something, because I am simply writing this book to make you guys happy! I love you guys so much 😘!

XOXO Danosaurious!

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