Sick Days • Sebastian Stan

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Word Count: 658

Warnings: Cursing, daddy mentioned, Captain America freaky sex mentioned too.



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You looked at Sebastian as he sneezed yet again "Hey Hydra are you sick?" Seb glares at Mackie "Ugh.. No." Sebastian answers trying to cover up a cough.

"You're sick." Chris Evans comments.

"Shut up, Spangles." Everyone started laughing at Sebastian's comment.

"Yeah Captain. I got a question." Mackie said with a straight face.

You looked at Mackie who was placed next to you for the scene "What's up Falconer?" Evans asks.

"So do you dance and wave sparklers? Do you have a preferred name like Captain Sparkles or Captain Spangles? Or, Or oh ho- Are you into some Captain America freaky sex?"

Mackie was a laughing mess but so was everyone else, Chris just nods and looks at Mackie "Push him." You shrug and push Mackie off the side of the set onto a blow up catching him.

"That was rude Captain Sparkles or do you prefer daddy?" Mackie winks.

"Nah that's Sebastian." Evans jokes "Right Y/n?" Everyone laughed at your bright red face, and Sebastian's.

"We are just friends." Sebastian coughs "You're sickness is killing me." You comment.

"Captain Spangles we have a sick ex-Hydra member." Mackie jokes.

"Oh shut up, Mackie." Sebastian laughs before he sneezes.

Later that night you drove to Sebastian's house, he claimed he needed company. You walked in and saw Sebastian on the couch. You peaked over and saw he looked worse than earlier.

"Damn don't you look bad." You comment "Yeah thanks." He coughs "So why am I here?" He looks at you.

"Cause I want you to be here." He pulls you down on top of him and buries his face in your neck.

"If you get me sick." You groans closing your eyes and accepting the cuddle.

"I won't." He whispers.

You felt his grip loosen up and you knew he was asleep, you walked over to his medicines and read them seeing when he is to take his medicine. You put the medicine down and walk into the kitchen getting a glass of water, you take a sip and hear Sebastian sneeze "Y/n!" He calls out.

"What?" You ask walking to the living area where the American-Romanian actor lay sick.

"What are you doing?" You shrug "Livin'." He scoffs with a small laugh.

"Can I get sandwich?" He asks quietly.

"If you want one." He smiles "You're the best!" He calls out as you walk to the kitchen.

You make him a sandwich and hand it to him before sitting on the couch near him and scrolling through Instagram and checking Snapchat. He stares at you for a long minute making you look at him "What?" He shrugs.

"You're just so great to me, and I thank you." You laugh as he fake cries and you shake your head.

"Stop being a dork."

"Stop being so hot." You look at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Stop being so attractive." You push back.

"Stop being so sexy."

"Sebastian Stan if you don't stop being so damn cute." He smirks.

"Stop being a total babe."

"Stop being daddy material." You wink and take his empty plate to the kitchen leaving him lounged on the couch in utter shock.

"Get your ass back here!" You walk over looking down at him "What?"

"I'm taking you on a date when I'm not sick." He announces.

"Is this because I called you daddy?" You ask.

"No, it's because I'm in fucking love with you." He states proudly.

"Love you too Seb." You hand him his medicine and he grins.

"And I did it all by myself." He smiles proudly.

"By the way you're my fucking girlfriend." He adds grinning widely.

so I'm possibly going to a cemetery tonight with my boy who I nearly fucked on bridge... So there is possibly gonna be another story time 😜
I love all of you btw.
XOXO Danosaurious

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