Photoshoot -» Sebastian Stan

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Words: 1288

Warnings: Mild cursing.

Prompt: Photoshoots are fun, and Sebastian's smile is adorable. I just wanna write this one so read it and find out, or wait for the next chapter. I love you guys!

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You had just woken up to you best friend texting you a thousand times about the shoot today, you pick your phone up and answer her call "I got your thousands of text messages, I'm up and getting ready I'll be there soon." You inform her.

"That's cool because guess what? He's already on his way you have an hour to beat him." She hangs up and you roll your eyes before getting ready in a hurry and rushing over to the building.

"I'm here, and in time!" Everyone cheers and you head back with your best friend to get ready.

You start it in a white strapless dress that fits your curves right and stops just before it would hit mid-thigh. Y/b/f/n looks at the dress and shakes her head before heading back to the rack "This is what you need!" She hands you a black jacket and you slide it on.

"I like this better, get outta face with that thing." Your other best friend Mitchell who was obviously gay pulls out a black choker and puts it on for you.

"And heels are always going to help you!" You slide into them and look in the mirror "Looking gorgeous girl." Mitchell smiles.

"He's here, come on!" You follow your best friend out of the dressing room.

You look at your old friend and ex-costar Sebastian Stan who was fixed up in a nice suit and tie, he looks over at you and smiles towards you.

You both were on the current Marvel film 'Civil War' and today was a small Photoshoot about you two, one making it through the movie and two making two huge breakthroughs with the movie.

He looks over your outfit while you talk to your best friend, he noticed the way the dress fit you just right. How the heels had boosted up your height slightly, and how your make-up was done perfectly it looked natural with your eye make-up bringing out the color of your beautiful (e/c) eyes- and the nude lip color had pulled the rest of your make-up together.

"Stan, get over here for a minute!" Sebastian walked over while trying to fix his tie.

"Yeah guys?" He asks.

"How about playful and flirty for the theme, you both look great and nice so how about a bit of a twist? You like that?" The photographer asks while Sebastian plays over what he had said about 'playful' and 'flirty'.

"Yeah that sounds good but is she okay with it? Or do you still need to talk to her?" Sebastian asks.

"We'll talk to her but she seems up for it." Sebastian nods while walking to the professional stylist to have his tie fixed since he couldn't quite see it to fix it.

"Y/l/n, can I ask you something?" The photographer asks.

"Yeah sure, I'm coming over." You walk over without noticing Seb's eye on you.

"How about a flirty and playful theme? You both look right for the part." You think about it "Yeah sure that sounds fun. How long will it be?" The photographer looks at his watch.

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