My Mission -» Bucky Barnes

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Word Count: 788

Warnings: Mild cursing, violence may occur. Fair warning.

Prompt: "You're my friend? No, you're my mission."

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It's been a week now since Bucky went 'missing' but to be truthful he was a soldier again, because Hydra had taken him and wiped him again before sending him on a series of missions- yet again.

Steve was trying his hardest to pin-point his best friend, but he was finding no luck. Whenever you did find out where he was, he was gone and another life was taken at the same time. The team was struggling to contain themselves from getting even more upset then they already were.

You on the other hand, it was different for you. Bucky was a close friend after getting him the first time you two had gotten close, but this was something far new to you. Never in your life has someone been taken and used as a weapon to kill people, not once- and you couldn't wrap your mind about how it felt.

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Bucky threw another useless guard into the wall behind him, not taking his eyes off his next target. He's aware it's been a week or so since he started these missions up again, and he was willing to destroy anything in his path. Another guard rushed at him receiving identical treatment the previous guard had received.

He came in close contact with his next target when something sent him to the side, glancing over at the cause of his fall. He meets eyes with a female in a dark colored suit, followed by others who managed to fight off the guards.

He meets eye contact with you and he stands up "Bucky." You had a scared tone in your voice and Bucky noticed this, something inside him awakening but shoved away.

"Bucky! Stop! You're my friend!" He grabs you by the wrist and this time there was no stopping either of you.

You swing a fist at him knocking him back, Steve- Captain America runs over to block one of his punches from his metal arm which Steve successfully does. You dodge another punch as you swing around him twisting around him like a pretzel and sending him to the ground.

Bucky blocks one of your punches, and swings towards you knocking you down. This continued for a few minutes, he wasn't holding back. You hold your hands up.

"Bucky, please stop! It's me Y/n! You're friend!" Bucky heard your pleads and scowled towards you.

He grabbed you by the throat and pushed you against a wall, the others looked in your direction but got swept away by the guards that had managed to get up. Bucky gripped behind your neck lifting you a bit to your tippy toes.

"You're my friend? No, you're my mission." He warns you.

"Then do it. Finish me." You whisper afraid for your life.

But one thing you wouldn't do, that everybody else knew was kill or harm one of your friends. But something inside of Bucky stopped him and he didn't understand what.

He looked at you closely, why were you someone that was stopping him from doing his job? What was so special about you, then it hit him.

"I-I can't." He mumbles quietly.

He watches your eyes slowly flutter open.

"I can't do it, I'm sorry." His forehead touched yours and you look at him.

"Y/n!" You spin around holding Bucky from moving as Steve jumps up coming down with his fist colliding with Bucky's jaw.

Bucky hit the ground unconscious "Are you okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, but I wanna talk to him when he comes to." You mumble walking out with the others.

Bucky had woken up with a pounding headache something, new to him. You walk in with an oversized hoodie on and a pair of leggings "How are you feeling?" He looks at you remembering almost all of the fight.

"I'm fine." He sits up making you walk over to him.

"Bucky-" he glares up at you catching you off guard when he stands up removing most space from you two.

"I know. I didn't finish you off, and I don't regret it." He was speaking quietly almost like he was afraid of hearing himself.

He watched as you made eye contact "Because I love you." He finishes.

You stood there dumbfounded "What?" You realized what you said and looked down "I love you too, Bucky." You whisper quietly "Finally you two get together." Stark heard the whole thing and that made you blush hard.

"Tony, get out!" Bucky complains tilting your head up to meet his gaze.

"Jackass." He mumbles against your lips before pressing a soft kiss on your lips.

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