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Third Person

Dan stared at his phone in shock. Phil had texted him? Phil had actually used his number? He wasn't exactly sure how to reply. He'd spent the entire day thinking about Phil's text. But he couldn't come up with anything decent to respond with, so he just replied with something simple.

Dan: oh. Hey

Phil smiled down at his phone when he saw the reply.

Phil: how are you??

Again, Phil was asking Dan how he was. Maybe he really cared. But the voices in Dan's head told him otherwise.

Dan: fine. U?

Dan realized it was a lot easier to lie to someone through text than it is in person.

Phil: I'm good! I'm listening to music rn.

Dan: what music?

Phil: a lot of different things. But mostly Bring Me The Horizon, Muse, and Twenty One Pilots!

Dan: really!? Those are my favorite bands!!

They both smiled down at their phones, excited to realize they had something in common.

Phil: yaay!!! We have something in common!! What are u doing rn?

Dan: watching anime

Phil: no way I love anime too!!!

Dan couldn't believe his luck. This was amazing. He'd found someone who shared the same interests as he did. Even if he wasn't currently watching anime. But he still loved it.

They talked for hours. About almost everything. They talked about food, clothes, music, anime, television shows and movies.

Neither of them cared that it'd been so long. They both loved talking to each other.

Dan couldn't believe he'd found someone who was just as much of a nerd as him. He was so surprised that someone actually wanted to talk to him, to get to know him.

Phil was happy he'd gotten Dan to come out of his shell. Even if it was just for a little while. He was extremely happy that Dan continued to talk to him. Every time he received another text from Dan, he smiled so much his cheeks hurt. He just hoped Dan was smiling, too.

Dan was in the middle of replying to something Phil had said about Sherlock when his step father entered the house. He'd managed to avoid Mike that day, but he knew he wouldn't be able to do the same with him.

Dan: gtg

Phil was, to say the least, really confused. They'd been talking for over two hours, non stop. Then Dan just suddenly up and leaves with three letters.

Phil stared at his phone for another ten minutes. He hoped everything was okay with Dan. Little did he know, at that very moment, Dan was getting the life beat out of him.

Dan was currently laying on the floor, his step father's foot being driven into his stomach repeatedly. In the moment. Phil's gleaming blue eyes and kind words seemed so very far away.

(a/n) sorry!! It was short and shitty!! But I promise the next chapter will make up for it.

Probably not.


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