Chapter two.

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-Readers POV-

"(y/n)! Hurry up! You're going to be late for work!" OH shit. I hate this damn job, but money is money. I sigh heavily and quickly rush around my room to get ready then dash down the stairs.

"Next time you take your sweet ass time I won't drive you to work, got me?" My mom says irritated and seriously. I nod and roll my eyes as we both get into the car.
After driving for about 10 minutes she comes to a restaurant that looks old-timey, but even with its looks, it is very busy every single day.

"Remember that I need to be picked up 4pm today, not 10pm," I say. Mom just rolls up the window and speeds down the street to go back home.
I walk into the restaurant to be greeted by customers and other staff. I've been working here for a couple years and everyone knows me well by now. It's usually just filled with customers who come in regularly.
Meg comes in around noon and orders her usual thing.

"So, (y/n), have you started packing yet?"

"No, only three days has passed since you told me. I still have some time. Plus I'm working overtime to where we have extra money to buy merch from X," I give her a blank look while I shrug.

"Since you're working hard to earn the money, why don't you just use it all on you?"

"Well, because you're my best friend and you're the one taking me to ACTUALLY meet X! I should at least buy you a lot of things for doing so." Meg laughs then stares at me for a couple seconds.

"If I can come over today I can help you pack."

"Ehhh, I don't know Meg. Have you already finished packing?" She gives me a look that tells me she did.

"Alright, fine. Don't make a mess when you come over,"

"I won't! I have to go now, I'll see you in a little while to pick you up!" She leaves after finishing her food that she had ordered. She left too fast for me to tell her my mom will be. I don't care. When I get home I will text her.
A couple hours later I hear some more people enter. I glance up at the clock and see its actually almost time for me to leave this hell-ish place.

"When are you going to be leaving to see that one guy you've been listening to?" I turn around and see Jake. He's my co-worker, but he's dumb. I don't know why he's working here.

"Well, kind of soon, roughly a week. Why?"

"I was just curious about when you would be leaving. The manager told me that he wants me to find someone to take your place while you're gone so.." Ahhh, okay. I just nod and go back to what I was doing. Within 10 minutes my shift ends and I leave my work apron behind. Now, I wait for Meg to come get me. And wait. And wait.

"(Y/n)! I'm so sorry I'm late!"

"It's alright, are you coming home to help me pack?"

"I mean, if that's okay with you.." I don't really care.

"Yeah, it's fine," I shrug.

I only live 15 minutes away from the restaurant so it doesn't take us long to get back and see my messy apartment. It's ridiculously messy.

"Damn, why haven't you cleaned your room in 7 years? Looks like absolute shit lmao, like me." I glare at her and give her my dufflebag to put my clothes in.

"I'll clean and you will just shove a bunch of my clothes and needed things into the bag." We both nod and get to work like it was some serious mission we were given. I put on Jahseh's (A/N): that's his real name btw, just in case if one of you didn't know.) music while we cleaned/packed up.
An hour later my room is neat and clean. I sigh heavily and plop down on my bed and look over at Meg who is currently passed out on my floor. I chuckle and grab one of my blankets and pillows and set the pillow under her head. She shifts, but just yawns so then I place the blanket over her and leave her be.
I lay down on my bed and grab my phone to scroll through Twitter. I only use it to check up on my favourite artists. Surprisingly, I have a big amount of followers on there.
I tweet to Jahseh that I will be seeing him at the concert soon and that I can't wait. Hm, I should probably text my mom.. is she home? I shrug and peek out of my window and see that she's still gone as she wasn't here when we arrived.
I just laid back down and texted my mom that Meg picked me up and brought me home. I got really bored so I decided to take a nap. Maybe I'll wake up to something good?


That's the end of this chapter so I hope you have been liking it so far. Updates will be random and if I ever can, they may become scheduled updates. Thank you for anyone supporting!

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