Chapter twenty-one.

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  -Reader's POV-

  I think in all of the years in my life I have not ran or dashed as fast I did when I went to go talk to Meg. I knew that before I was overreacting and taking things to the extent of too extra and too far, but it is just now hitting me of what I did. Why did I do that? Why did I say that? Did I even give myself a chance to think about what I said? Pff, hell no. My mouth speaks for myself before I can even begin the process to think. My thoughts were running a million miles per second as I almost tripped on the last step in search for my best friend of so many years.

  "Meg? Where are you?" I called out. No answer. That's strange. She always answers me even when she is really mad at me.. I thought. My eyes scan around the corner of the wall I had just came up to and no one was there. Fully pulling my body around the turn in the hall, I finally see Meg and she's just sitting on a kitchen stool with earbuds in. Oh. That's why she couldn't hear me. If she would have at least one earbud out she could hear me and answer me to where my heart wouldn't be beating out of my chest like it would in a movie. Dragging my feet across the hardwood floor; I get behind Meg and lightly tap her shoulders which seems to scare the living hell out of her as she yelps and raises her fists as if she's about to throw a scrawny punch.

  "Don''t do that [y/n]! You know how easily I can get scared sometimes and it doesn't help when I have earbuds in and I'm not paying attention!" She almost starts to pout and it causes me to chuckle a little. 

  "Awww, that's sad. Do you need me to call the wahhhh-bulance (ambulance)?" I  teased her. I could see the corners of her lips turn upwards as she tries not to smile and be irritated, but she ended up laughing with me for a good few minutes. The laughter did end up dying down and then silence consumed us as we both knew it was our turn to talk to each other. My gaze didn't meet hers and at first we both didn't try to say anything at all. "You know Meg, I am truly sorry. I'm so over reactive and I don't like to face the fact when I'm in the wrong sometimes and it causes a chain effect of terrible reactions. Do you think you could possibly forgive me?" I ask quietly as I finally lift my head up enough to look into Meg's eyes.

  "Yeah, you can be such a big drama queen, but I have known you for a long time now and that's just how you are. You whine and complain a bunch, but every person has the right to do so and trust me when I say there are people out there who are way worse than you are. So, take a chill pill and relax. I forgive you." Meg says softly and pulls me in for a big hug. She had wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me so hard I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head. My hands push against her to get some space between us as I cough a little, getting some air back into my system.

  "Yup. You still give the best bear-hugs." I say, nodding as we both knew it was true. Meg smiled proudly and puffed out her cheeks as her smiled turned into a slight pout from her cheeks. We both had talked and agreed to not just blow-up and leave an argument or fight left behind without being talked about. My heart hurts and becomes pained as I know and think about how there could be and will be a day where I won't have Meg and I won't have everyone else. Meg is my rock and she is my everything and I can't lose her. Stop being so sappy.. I thought. "Hey, why don't we gather everyone up and go out to eat? My treat." I say as she turns around to look at me with a 'are you sure?' look. I just simply nod.

  "Okay then. You go get Jahseh and I'll go get Ski and Sza. They're somewhere else so I'll just meetup with you two where ever we're going to eat. The usual place?" She asks and I nod again. It's a place where Meg and I love to go to eat at random times and I think it will always stay that way. After that, Meg heads out to get the other two as I walk up the steps to get Jahseh ready and tell him about what happened. 

  As I enter my room, after knocking a few times, I find Jah sleeping peacefully on my bed. He lays there with no emotions on his face but being seemingly at peace. I quietly move across the room to him and sit on the edge of the bed as I scan my curious eyes over his face. Every few seconds his nose will twitch like a bunny and other times he'd lazily reach up and scratch at it as if it was itchy and bothering him in his rest. I didn't want to wake him, but I had to. "Jah, wake up. You should take a shower or something. We're going to go out to eat with the others." I say, not too loud nor too quiet. Jahseh just turns in his sleep, not waking up. "Seriously Jah, get up." I say and shake him a little. What shocks me is when he pulls me down, close to his body, and groggily opens his eyes to peek down at my flustered self. 

  "Why can't we just stay here and let the others go eat?" He grumbled out.

  "Because I said I would treat everyone out to eat so get up!" I say quickly and pull away from him, standing up. It takes a few more minutes to get Jahseh up, but then he looks at me. "What?" I ask.

  "I need clothes." He says and then heads towards my dresser full of my clothing style.

  "No! L-Let me pick out what you should wear. You don't know what is too big and what isn't." I stutter out, hurrying to get him my baggy (on me) joggers and a simple loose and black t-shirt. I also hand him a pair of boxers as I like to get them, but I didn't realize I had bought men's boxers. "Now go shower." I say and push him inside my bathroom where everything else he needs is in there. Damn, this is going to be a long day.


I guess you all have been waiting for a chapter, huh? I'm kind of sad to say this, but I'm going to end this book within a few more chapters. The max amount of chapters left would be around ten more. It's just that I personally think I'm not doing too well with this book and my motivation for it keeps going downhill, but I didn't want to take it down just because of that or leave it unfinished. Tell me what you think, I'd appreciate it. Sorry for any errors.

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