chapter nineteen.

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-Readers POV-

As Trin charged at me, clear with the intent to hurt, I just stood there. If he had truly changed, he would stop and realize what he was doing. Just as he got to me, he raised his fist and I flinched, but no pain followed. I looked up and seen that he had stopped close to my face. His heavy breathing could be heard as everything else was silent.

"Why did you stop? I thought you were going to hurt me Trin?" I asked, daring him to say something. He kept silent as he tried to calm himself. I kept staring at him until he moved his hand. I just thought he was going to apologize or at least just step back, but he pushed me roughly instead. When he did, I fell to the floor with a thud.. I could hear my phone crack in my back pocket. My eyes widened as he sends a glare my way. As he goes to leave, he looks at me one more time and spits on my floor. "Never trust a foe," He says as he leaves, slamming my door shut.

I just sit on the floor completely stunned. So much has happened in just a little amount of time. I rub my face with my hands to try and get myself to come out of the shocked daze I was in and once I got myself to concentrate, I got up and went to my room after checking to make sure all the doors were locked.
My phone! I quickly pulled it out of my back pocket and seen that the screen was almost cracked all over, but it shockingly still worked. I texted Meg.

Me: Meg.. I need you to come over.. please..

She didn't respond for about ten minutes which wither meant she was mad at me or she was busy.

Meg: Why do you need me to come over? Have you talked to X yet?

Me: No.. but.. Trin..

Meg ended up not texting back at all which led me to believe she just didn't want to text me. I left her alone as I tossed my phone to the side. I'm not going to use it anymore, I'll just save up for a new one.

The rest of the day, going into the night, I just spent my time drawing. I just stared at my table with drawings scattered all over it. Some crumbled up papers ended up on the floor and on my table as I had continued to get frustrated and just mess up with whatever I was working on. My body was resisting sleep even though I had work tomorrow, which I knew I wouldn't be going to bed to get the sleep I missed previously. As I groaned and laid my head down on the desk/table I was at, I realized something. My doctors appointment is coming up.. it's the reason I can't go to Jahseh's last meet. What.. what will the results be?


Hey, everyone. That's the end of this chapter. I know it's short and just ends abruptly, but I have a lot going on right now and I'm also slowly losing motivation to continue with this book tbh. I'm not that good of a writer and I'm becoming so busy with school and signing up for scholarships that I haven't had enough time to even be on here to write whatsoever. I'm thinking about discontinuing this book, but I'll see what you guys think I should do. If I do continue, you'd have to be patient with my slow updates because I've become so stressed. I hope you all will understand.. thank you.  

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