Chapter six.

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-Readers POV-

After I had finished swimming, Meg and I packed up what little we had brought into the hotel room and left.
We're now on the road again, but have been for roughly an hour, we might stop for some food soon.

"How much longer do we have?" I ask as we pull into McDonald's. Just a quick stop for something.
She shrugs then looks at her phone.

"Umm, about 2 more hours!"

"2 more? Have I been out longer than I thought?"

"(y/n), you don't remember? You fell asleep back when we got in the car at the hotel, like, you knocked the fuck out," she starts to chuckle. I glare at her which makes her stop, but she still smiles a little.

"Anyways, what do you want? I know I'm just getting 2 breakfast burritos with 2 hashbrowns," I think for a second.

"I'll just have the same thing, with a sweet tea. Sometimes their tea is too sweet, just good, or tastes like plain 'ol water. What the hell," I say dramatically. Meg laughs this time then quickly stops as she pulls up to the speaker.

"Hello, welcome to McDonald's, would you like to try-" Meg interrupts the lady speaking.

"No, I would like-" I punch Meg on the arm then roll my eyes. She can be rude, but I still love her, gotta.

"Ow, anyways I would like 4 breakfast burritos and 4 hashbrowns with a large sweet tea and a large Dr. Pepper. That's all."

"Okay, your total will be $12.50."

"Okay, thanks," As Meg pulls up to the first window with the cash in her hand, she turns to look at me.

"You didn't have to punch me back there!"

"Yes, I had to, you're a rude bitch," She goes to say something, but then hesitates.

"I know," She smiles then flips her hair over her shoulder in a sassy way. Then turns back to the window where the cashier awaits for Meg to hand her the money. After getting change back we pull up to the second window and wait for a couple minutes.
Meg points at a guy inside, he seems to be bagging our order.

"He's kinda cute,"

"You're such a flirt Meg, I dare you to ask for his number,"

"Bet, it'll be the first thing I'll say to him," she challenges me. I smirk and nod.
We wait just a little bit longer when the guy finally comes to the window to hand us our food. Meg grabs the bag, but looks at him seriously.

"Can I have your number?" The nigga looked shocked as hell, but then quickly handed his phone to her.

"You got a bitch?" She asks.

"No no, I promise,"

"Don't shit yourself. Ever had a beautiful girl like me ask for your number?" He shakes his head no and smiles after she hands him his phone back.

"Contact name: beauty-bitch 💕" Then we drive to a parking lot in a different area away from there and we eat.

"I didn't think you'd actually do that, props to you," I mumble while basically scarfing down my food.
We eat while, again, more of Jahseh's music plays.

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