Chapter seventeen.

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-Readers POV-

"What was that?" I mumble to myself. I shrug and sigh. I've been in here for a while now, so I must get out. I slowly get up and drain the water from that bathtub and hear the water leave. It's kind of loud. The fuzzy and warm blue towel I have wraps around my body nicely. I grab my clothes off of my counter and put them on quickly since I now actually hear knocks coming from downstairs.

My body races down the steps and into the living area. I shake my clothing to get the imaginary dirt and dust of it and then I put my hand on the door handle. My hands are sweaty and my nerves shake. I don't know why I'm nervous. The knocks stop for a second and an exaggerated sigh comes from the other side of the door. Before they start knocking again, I open the door. A light gasp escapes my lips.

"Trin?" I ask.

-No one's POV-

The person standing at the door nods, a long lost friend. A long lost message that was never sent and the two were separated. They used to be best friends before (y/n) even met Meg. Trin was a person (y/n) depended on. They were always stuck at the hip, but then one day turned into one week and one week turned into one year. There's a lot of tension since the two haven't seen or talked I'm a while. They've both heard minor things every now and then about each other that weren't so good. The two are iffy about the visit. Why have they visited and how did they find you?


Hey, sorry for the late updates. I think I'll actually just update either every Friday or every other Friday. That's my new schedule. I've just been way too busy and I injured my arm pretty bad. I've got some bad bruising and I may have a hairline fracture on the bone that helps you twist your arm or a pinched nerve. Hopefully you guys are doing well. Sorry for any errors and sorry that this chapter is short!

Thank you-

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