Chapter eighteen.

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- T E A S E R -

-Readers POV-

"You know, after all these years, you left me. You left me all alone. Why and how did you find me?" I asked while the rain had lightly started to come down. The smell of rain on pavement was strong and in this moment, nauseating.
Trin shrugged. Then he looked up at me and a tear fell from his eye.

"I've had my reasons, but they were all just excuses to not come back. After all that I have done, I wanted to not come back to see you and I know that sounds so rude, but I can't tell you why I can't say." He says and gives me a shaky smile. I sigh and shake my head. I take a deep inhale.

"Trin, are you truly a better person?" I ask. He tilts his head slightly in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asks, trying to sound innocent, then he quickly realises his mistake. "Yes, I have. I know I shouldn't lie and I know I need to be more honest with you, I'm sorry." Trin quickly apologizes.

"How are you and why are you just now coming to me to 'apologize'? It's been years for you to do that, but now, out of all times, you find me," 

"How is now not the right timing?" He asks. "What's new? Oh, wait.." 

"yeah.." I hesitated for a second. "You can come in.," I said while opening the door wider to let him in if he wanted to come in. Trin looked at me for a second and then slowly walked past me into my house. After a couple seconds of just looking outside, I quickly shut the door and turned around. Trin was in the living room while looking around at the pictures I had hung up on the walls.

"You've changed a lot (y/n).." He said while looking at a picture that was a couple years old. It was of me when I had won an award for something silly, but I was so proud.

"I know I have," I said awkwardly. "Again, why are you here?" I ask. The question still burns and resides within me.

"I've heard that you've been hanging out with triple X and I wanted to know if it was true," He says while freezing in his spot. He doesn't say anything else while he waits for my answer.

I shrug. "Yeah, I have been. So what?" Trin turns around abruptly and glares at me.

"You should fucking know better (y/n), you know how he acts! He's just a fuck boy, out there hoe-ing around! Now, you're getting yourself into his fucking mess of a life? Are you serious! Why are you doing this to yourself?!" He yells at me. I become shocked and then, I glare at him back. Anger bubbles inside of me.

"I knew you never changed! You don't give two shits! It's none of your fucking business anyways.. get out of my damn house!" I scream at him. That's when he charges at me and in that moment, I wish this was a dream...


Hey, I'm sorry it's been so long. A lot has happened and I've been so stressed. Here's a teaser for the next chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.. it kind of sucks so I apologize.. anyways.. sorry for any errors.

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