Chapter ten.

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-Readers POV-

Even though we swam to 4am, I was woken up at 6am. Just so you know a little something about me, I'm not a morning person, I will be grumpy, I need my sleep. Someone shakes me again since I started to fall asleep.

"What? Who keeps fucking shaking me? Damn." I say as I sit up against the headboard and rub my eyes.

"Don't be grumpy, get up." I hear Ski say. Are they still here? I quit rubbing my eyes and look around. Meg is still asleep on the other bed with Sza while me, Jahseh, and Ski are awake.

"Why didn't you wake them up?" I ask.

"Were going to, we just needed you to get up first," Jahseh rolls his eyes as he sits down beside me. I huff and get up.

"Well, I'm getting a shower then, I'll be quick," I get an outfit that consists of another tshirt I made with a drawing I did a while ago with Jahseh just simply looking hot as fuck on stage. I also have a pair of ripped grayish jean shorts to go with it.. and a pair of comfortable, but sexy underwear to go with it.
I hop in the shower after stripping my clothes off, making sure the door was locked, and seeing when the water was the right temperature. I just wash my hair quickly and my body to where I don't take forever, I'm sure Meg will want to take a shower.
I hop out and dry off as quick as I can and put on my clothes. I've got to admit, I look pretty damn good right now.
I dry my hair as much as I can and step out of the bathroom and see everyone turn to me. Meg quickly grabs her clothes and as towel and heads into the bathroom.

"You look fine," Jahseh mumbles as he bites his lip softly.

"You're just being a hoe," I say. I put all my stuff in my suitcases to where I'm ready. I also put on my socks and shoes as we all now wait for Meg to get out.
Ski and Sza end up chatting and have a contest to see who can be the loudest when yelling 'nigga' at each other. Jahseh rolls over to where he's laying down and facing me, but his stomach is pressed against my lower back, he's laying on his side. In the corner of my eye I see him smile and raise his left hand to rest on my left hip. I lay my hand down on his and slowly stand up, letting the tips of his fingers graze my ass. Definitely eager.
Meg rushes out of the bathroom and gathers her stuff up while putting her socks and shoes on. After she's done, Sza helps her carry her stuff outside.

"(Y/n), you're riding with me and Ski while Sza can go with Meg, they seem attached already," Jahseh rolls his eyes as he grips onto my arm. I huff and get into the back seat.
"Why aren't you sitting up here?" He asks.

"Because I'm grumpy as fuck right now. I'm not a morning person," I mumble. He just sasses me and turns around to drive.
"Why are you even taking us with you? We're just fans and you know you're going to get shit for this," I say while getting my headphones and music ready.

"You're going to the same damn place as we are and plus, who gives a shit about the fucking rumors and whatever. They're just idiots and annoying assholes." He says while shrugging. I shrug as well and put in my headphones while I play some random playlist I have on my phone.
We drive for roughly 17 long hours, not even including our bathroom/lunch breaks. Everyone eats so much, what the hell.
Currently we're at a small little restaurant, but I've been here before. Meg almost ordered everything on the damn menu while I just ordered some sweet tea and spaghetti, it's one of my favourite things to eat. Jahseh got a hamburger, Ski and Sza just got a drink and a small snack.

We have just roughly thirty minutes to get to Daytona Beach since he's having a meet up there soon. I finish my food pretty quickly while Jahseh almost finishes. I throw everyone's trash away and we hurry and get into the car. I sit up front this time and Ski goes with Meg and Sza since he will be "surrounded by his hoes," and plus he just wants to get 'his pussy' as he likes to say.

"What do you want to listen to?" He asks as he starts to drive.

"Some of your songs and then whatever you want," He picks out a random mix of his own songs and plays it, blasts it is what I should really say. Confident he is.
Song after song I enjoy and I sing with him as we get close to the beach. Daytona is one of my absolute favorite beaches that I love to go for and spend some time at when I am here.

"Alright, when the fans start crowding, just make sure you stay up front and not in the middle, back, or side lines or you're going to be crushed and left to be dust," He says while stepping out of the car. I nod and step out as well. The usual Florida summer heat slaps my face and the pavement burns the bottom of my beach shoes as I try to quickly walk where there's a tiny bit of shade. My shoes aren't thick like me, so my feet burn. Meg runs up behind me and jumps on my back making me tumble forward.

"What the fuck, Meg?" I yell as I catch my balance before I almost ended up throwing her off my shoulders. She just smiles while patting my hair. I hear some laughter and see The rest of our group that came here, laughing while looking at their phones.
"What're you guys laughing about? I swear if you fucking took a picture and I look like a god damn wet chicken nugget, I will kill you all," I mumble darkly while stomping over to them and then quickly snatching someone's phone. I look at ybe picture and notice it's actually not that bad. Who's ever phone this is had already posted the picture to their snap story. Oh, it's Jahseh's story. I gave it back.

"Carry on." I sway while turning around sassily and going back to Meg. I check my phone and see that he posted about the meet up already. I actually hear the chatter of girls and some guys heading this way. Once they get there and more start to come to the meet up is when it starts to get ugly..


That's the end of this chapter. I won't be able to update often because I have school Monday and plus a lot has been happening and I might be moving so it's been stressful. I hope you enjoy and thank you for the support.

Sorry for any errors,

Thank you -

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