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And here I go starting a new story when I should really finish the ones I've already started.

"Home sweet home." Melissa Grey muttered as she pulled into the driveway. Her daughter took in the sight ahead. A small, grey house. There really wasn't much to look at, but it was bigger than their last home. Cassie flashed her mom a reassuring smile and opened the car door.

The two didn't bring much with them. Just a few suit cases. Before moving, they lived in a small bungalow in the middle of the large forest in Canada. It wasn't a very big place, so they didn't have much stuff to begin with, which made it a lot easier to move.

"Hi'ya neighbour!" Cassie furrowed her brows at the new voice. A man wearing a police uniform made his way towards the mother-daughter duo, a small smile lingering under his moustache.

"Charlie, hey!" Melissa said, greeting the man with a hug. "It's great to see you again."

"You too Melissa."

When the two pulled away, Melissa beckoned her daughter over. "Cassie, c'mere. I want you to meet Charlie."

Slightly hesitant, she sent the man a kind smile, to which he returned. "So how do you two know each other?" Cassie asked.

"We met in high school. Charlie and I bumped into each other and he spilt his food tray on me, so he gave me his sweater to cover up my shirt. We've been friends ever since." Melissa smiled at the memory and Charlie let out a low chuckle.

"I'm still sorry." He muttered.

"Don't be." The women said. "We wouldn't have met other wise."

Cassie smiled at the two. It was nice to see her mother finally socialize with someone her own age that wasn't a patient at the hospital, but an actual friend. Melissa didn't have many friends because she simply didn't have the time to make any. Whenever she wasn't at work, she was at home taking care of her daughter and Cassie couldn't help but feel guilty for that. Her mother works hard and deserves time for herself.

"So, you going to Forks high than?" Charlie asked. Cassie nodded. "My daughter —Bella —  has been here for a few days now, I'm sure she can show you around if you want."

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks."


It turned out that Charlie not only volunteered his daughter to show Cassie around, but to also drive her to school.

Bella Swan wasn't sure how to feel. She's never been good at anything that has to do with social interactions especially when it comes to meeting new people. And as Bella walked closer to the front door, dread engulfed her for the oncoming inevitable awkwardness that she was sure she'd cause.

One thought did remain in Bellas mind as she stopped at the doorstep. "Please be less Jessica-y."

Taking in a deep breath, Bella knocked on the door. It opened a moment later, revealing a women. Her brown hair was up in a ponytail and she was dressed in navy blue hospital scrubs.

Melissa sent the girl a motherly smile, which Bella didn't know she longed for until now. Since leaving Arizona, she missed her mom's loving smiles, and her comforting hugs. Boy, she sure did miss her mom.

"Hi-uh I'm Bella. Charlie's daughter—"

"Oh yes," Melissa said. "Cassie will be down in a second. Come on in."

Bella awkwardly followed Melissa inside and into the kitchen. "Thank you so much Bella."

"No problem."

Melissa slung her purse over her shoulder, than rushed around the room, picking up various items and stuffing them in her bag. "Cassie!" She called up the stairs. "Bella's here!"

Cassie's eyes widen as she shot up from bed. "Shit." She scrambled out of bed. "Be down in a sec!"

From downstairs, the two brunettes could hear scrambling and lots of shuffling, than suddenly a loud BANG!

"Son of a-" Cassie scrambled, readjusting her jeans to put them on properly.

Melissa rolled her eyes, then sent Bella an apologetic smile to which Bella just let out a small laugh.

Within a minute, a half asleep Cassie (now fully dressed), stumbled down the stairs, nearly tripping on the last step.

"Sorry." She said. "I was totally awake, I just – uh – I just couldn't find my – my phone."

"Sure." The mother retorted. Melissa looked her daughter up and down, seeing that her brown chin length wavy hair completely disheveled and askew, than eyed her shirt. "Your shirts on backwards by the way."

Cassie's eyes widen and she looked down at her shirt. Shit. "It's a new fashion trend mom." She said casually, and struck a pose, hands on her hips, and mimicked a hair flick.

Melissa rolled her eyes and chuckled.

Cassie smiled and approached Bella, holding out her hand. "I'm Cassie."


Melissa smiled at the two girls. "I've got to go. Wouldn't wanna be late on the first day. Bella, thanks again. Good luck Cassie." She pulled her daughter into a hug. "Please be careful. Try to stay calm." She whispered so Bella couldn't hear.

"Don't worry mom," Cassie whispered back, "I've got it under control."

But Melissa couldn't help but worry. Being a mother comes with constantly being worried about your child, especially if said child can shift into a werewolf/vampire hybrid whenever she loses her temper. Melissa wishes that she understood better and could help her daughter more, but she's limited considering she's only human. It was Cassie's deceased father that was the werewolf.

The mother sighed, then nodded. With her car keys in hand, Melissa said her last goodbyes and then she was gone.

It was silent in the house, both girls standing awkwardly in the kitchen.

"So," Bella started, "Are you okay? It sound like you took quite the fall."

Cassie's face reddened in embarrassment. "Yeah," She ran her hand through her messy hair. "I'm fine. I just... I tripped."

"Anyways, shall we?" Bella asked.

Cassie smiled. "Lead the way."

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