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This is what is created through hours of procrastination about not doing my homework that's due tomorrow.

To Cassie's surprise, to car ride wasn't at all awkward. If anything it was rather amusing. Sure, Bella was awkward as hell at first, and attempted to avoid conversation in any way she could, but Cassie eventually got the girl to warm up.

"How about Harry Potter?" Cassie asked. The girls both sat in the surprisingly comfy, bright orange truck, asking each other questions. The current topic was favourite movies. "You had to have seen it."

Bella shrugged. "Nope." Cassie's jaw dropped.


"I just, I dunno, I never really bothered to I guess."

The girl gasped "Are you serious?".

"No... I'm Bella."

The car was silent, Cassie stared at the Swan girl in disbelief, than narrowed her eyes. Bella's hands clutched the steering wheel, her knuckles whitening as she tried to keep a straight face.

Cassie's smiled, suddenly feeling proud. "We're gonna be good friends."

Bella let out the held in laugh. "I think so too."

Cassie smiled. "Good, But I hope you understand that you must go through an initiation."

Bella glanced at the girl with furrowed brows. "An initiation." She scoffed in disbelief. "So do I have to eat rocks to prove toughness? Recite a mantra?" She couldn't stop the judgement leaking from her words.

"What? No," scoffed the werewolf. "I'm not a savage."

"Then what then?"

"You must loose your Harry Potter virginity." Cassie stated.

Bella grimaced. "Did you really have to put it that way?"

"Well, how else would I put it?"

Bella sighed and shook her head, she glanced at Cassie for a moment, seeing a completely serious face. "Fine." She grumbled.

Cassie smiled, rather satisfied.


When Bella pulled into Forks High parking lot, Cassie's first impressions was that the building looked bleak, but what should she have expected? It was a high school in a small town.

Cassie jumped out of the truck, throwing her messenger bag over her shoulder. A wave of anxiety washed over her as she noticed fellows students staring. Her heart beat sped up.

Her hands clenched. She had to calm down. She didn't want anyone finding out what she is, a werewolf. She'd be locked away or even killed. The fact that Cassie had issues controlling her shift didn't help either. Than paranoia seeped in, her eyes widening. She glanced down at her hands and sighed in relief.

No claws.

Not yet at least.

Cassie shoved her hands into her coat pockets, and marched beside Bella up towards the school.

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