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I literally just discovered three Shawn Mendes songs I didn't know existed and now I can't function.

Cassie breathed in, nervously standing outside the door alone. In few moments, she was about to be the center of attention once again. With one last breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside the history classroom, instantly noticing the same minty smell from the parking lot.

She didn't even acknowledge the class, and instead made a beeline for the teacher who was sitting at his desk. "I'm Cassandra Grey." She said for what seemed like the hundredth time today.

"Yes. Miss Grey. You shall be seated next to Mr. Hale in the back row."

Cassie turned, seeing the empty desk next to the same blond boy from the parking lot. She blushed, recalling the earlier stare-fest, now feeling slightly embarrassed.

Cassie rushed to her seat, ducking behind her hair. The blond boy watched her curiously.

"Hello." It was his strong southern drawl that lulled Cassie to look beside her, and found herself staring into a pair of topaz eyes, a colour she had never seen in anyone's eyes.

"Hi." Cassie said, in an abnormally small voice.

"I'm Jasper Hale." He said, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Cassie Grey." She said with a small smile. "Or Cas," she added. "Either is fine."

He furrowed his brows. "You don't like Cassandra?" Jasper assumed.

She shrugged. "The name's fine, it just too sounds formal."

"Cas it is then."

She didn't know what is was, but something about the way he said it made her smile. Her stomach felt as though there were butterflies fluttering around inside. She felt like she always had to be close to Jasper (not in a clingy way), but she didn't understand why. She's never felt this was before.

She glanced back to Jasper (who was now looking ahead) and let her eyes roam his face for a brief moment. He sure was attractive. Messy long blond hair, defined features, and topaz eyes that almost looks like they had darkened slightly. That minty yet unidentifiable scent resonated from him. He was definitely different, maybe not even human, but she didn't care. She'd be called a hypocrite if otherwise, because she isn't exactly human herself.


"So, how was history?" Bella asked as we made our way to the cafeteria.

"I mean, it's history now. It's a little confused, but I think I've got it." Cassie said simply, not saying anything about Jasper.

Cassie pushed open the door to the cafeteria.

"What was up with that one girl glaring at me in biology?" Cassie asked.

"You we're sitting next to Mike, right?" Cassie nodded. "That would be Jessica. She has a big thing for Mike." Bella explained.

Cassie walked up to lunch table, and her stomach grumbled at the sight of the food. She didn't realize how hungry she was until now, given the fact that she missed breakfast.

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