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I spent my whole weekend watching Doctor Who and completed absolutely no school work. I'd say I had a successful weekend.

Cassie sat on the forest floor leaning against a tree. Jasper was sitting a foot away, facing her.

"How are you so okay with this?" Cassie finally asked, breaking the tension-filled silence.

"With the world I'm from, you're not really that much of a surprise." Jasper stated.

So he isn't human? Cassie thought. It would explain why his scent is different.

"So what are you then?" She asked.

He stared into his lap, playing with his hands. He didn't say anything for a bit, but I waited patiently. "A vampire." He spat the words out as if they had a bad taste, his nose crinkling in disgust.

"Is the rest of your family vampires?" She asked.


Cassie wasn't shocked. Instead, she felt relieved that there were more supernatural beings in the town of Forks. As much as she wanted to get away from supernatural the drama, (but her freak-out episode from a few moments ago has taught her that she can't ever get away from that world because she's apart of it no matter what) she now feels comforted by the fact that she isn't alone anymore.

Jasper watched Cassie curiously. "What are you?" He asked, breaking Cassie away from her thoughts.

"It's a bit complicated." She started. "I'm this weird hybrid. Human, werewolf and vampire."

He furrowed his brows. "Vampire? How's that possible?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "My grandma was a vampire and my grandpa was a werewolf. They had my dad, then my dad married my mom and out popped me."

"Maybe we can ask Carlisle." Jasper suggested.


Jasper offered to drive Cassie to the hospital to see Bella . . . and her mom, which she accepted. Her legged bounced the whole way, anxiously preparing herself to explain what happened to her mother.

Cassie felt a cold hand suddenly grasp her own. She glanced up at Jasper, who eyes stayed on the road, though he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

He pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, bringing the at to a stop.

"Thanks for driving me." Cassie said.

"Anytime." His accent was very prominent, which made Cassie smile.

As Cassie opened the car door, Jasper grabbed her arm. "Are you sure you'll be okay with the- all the blood?" He asked.

Cassie hasn't thought about the blood (not considering that they're at a hospital), she spent the whole ride worried about her mom and Bella. She's never had any serious issues with blood. It's always been easy to control that thirst, though there's always a nagging feeling whenever she smells it, almost pushing for her to have a taste. Nevertheless, her stomach erupted with the butterfly feeling, feeling giddy for his concern. She sent him a smile.

"Don't worry about it. It doesn't bother me."

Cassie went to exit the car but stopped. Before she could give it a second thought, Cassie leaned over the console and gave Jasper a quick kiss on the cheek.

Demons | Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now