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Btw, this chapter took so long for me to write. Like for some reason my brain could not work.

Cassie sat on her bed later that night, attempting to do homework, though that wasn't working out so well for her. Her mind kept flashing back to earlier that day and Bella. What was she going to tell her? Hey Bella, so I'm a werewolf hybrid, and I stopped the van using my superhuman strength.

She groaned in frustration, falling back onto her bed. For the time being, Cassie's only solution was to avoid Bella. She didn't want to, but she couldn't have Bella figuring out what she was as well as the Cullen's.

Suddenly, there was a knocking noise, bringing her out of her conflicted thoughts. She sat up, and looked towards her window, seeing non other than Jasper Hale. A smile formed on her lips as she got up from her bed and opened the window. "Hey."


"So what's brought you into my humble abode?" She asked.

"I just wanted to check up on you." He said. Cassie felt her face heat up and her heart swell. She almost awed.

"I'm . . . I'm managing." She sighed, sitting on her bed. "Though I'm not sure what to say to Bella."

Jasper sat down next to her. "I'm sure we'll think of something." He reassured.

Jasper watched Cassie for as she played with her fingers, worry and dread pulsating from her. Jasper had a small debate in his head before slowly grabbing, then holding her hand. He tested the waters. When she didn't retract, he interlocked their fingers.

Cassie stared at the side of his face absolutely awestruck, watching as he looked around her bedroom.

Cassie than fixed her gaze to her and Jasper's hands. She blushed furiously and smiled to herself, loving the feeling of her hand in his.

Cassie's brows then furrowed, noticing a lighter patch of skin peeking out from underneath his sleeve. Curiosity getting the best of her, she pulled at his sleeve seeing that his arm was covered in bite shape scars. "Are these bite marks." She gasped, looking up at Jasper who tensed.

Jasper didn't meet her gaze. Instead, kept it trained on a Doctor Who poster across the room. "Yeah." He said softly after a few moments of silence. "They're battle scars. Training the Confederate army gave me."

"You fought in the Civil War?"

"I was the youngest major in the Texas Calvary." He said and there was a hint of pride in his voice. His eyes were distant as he reminisced on his human days. "All without having to see any real battle."

"How did you turn?" Cassie asked.

Jasper features darkened and Cassie felt a surge of guilt, afraid that she had crossed a line.

Jasper gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as if to say 'It's okay'.

"I came across with a women named Maria. I thought she was lost, so I offered her my aide. She saw that I was potential in me to lead, so she turned me.

"I helped Maria create her newborn army that she used to gain the feeding grounds in all over Texas."

"And she was successful?" Cassie's asked.

"Yes. The army was strong, no one stood a chance. They were ruthless and merciless for blood." Jasper explained.

He continued. "My role was to train everyone, and then kill them off later." Jasper's grip on Cassie's hand tighten. "And I felt everything they felt. Their sadness. Their pain. Their fear.

"For the longest time, I was Maria's puppet, but eventually I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran. I was on my own for a while, until Alice saw me coming . . . and then I wasn't alone anymore." Jasper smiled, seeming to be in a daze as he reminisced. The look Jasper had made Cassie's stomach churn. She did admit that the look Jasper had made Cassie feel jealous, making her wish that someone looked at her the same way. But at the same time her heart swelled and she couldn't help slightly smile. Alice and Jasper had such a beautiful friendship. "We both helped each other. Alice helped me control my thirst, and I became her friend."

"You said—you said Alice saw you coming?" Cassie asked, slightly confused.

"Some vampires attain special gifts when they turn." He stated. "Alice can see the possible future. Edward can read minds-"

"Wait wait wait. Edward can read minds?!" Cassie exclaimed. Her eyes were wide open as she thought back to all the strange things that randomly go through her head, and now knowing that Edward may have seen the things she thought . . . she shivered.

Jasper watched the girl's reaction, a small smile formed as he felt her emotions shift from panic to embarrassment. He chuckled when her face turned beet red, and she hid behind her hair and facepalmed.

"Well, he's heard some really weird and rather questionable things." She stated, though her voice was slightly muffled as her hands were still covering her face.

Jasper laughed again, shaking his head at her.

"So, does the rest of your family have of these gifts?" Cassie asked once she somewhat recovered from her apprehensive state.

"I'm an empath. I can read and manipulate emotions. It's how I helped you in the forest." Jasper responded.

"So all those times I felt nervous and than calm, that was you..." he nodded. "I guess that explains why I feel so calm around you." Though deep down, Cassie felt that that wasn't the only reason. Whenever she was around the boy, she felt a strong pull to him -- almost magnetic. She never wanted to be away from him, which she just realized made her sound incredibly clingy.

Nevertheless, she enjoyed Jasper's presence and valued his friendship.

That's a big reason why she was so scared about telling Jasper the real reason why she came to Forks. She was scared that he would reject her because of what she did.

But Jasper just shared his story, and he felt scared as well Cassie was sure of it. It's only fair that she shares hers, no matter how terrified she was.

Cassie readjusted her position, sitting with her legs crossed. She felt herself hands begin to shake slightly as her anxiety coursed through her.

Here goes nothing, she told herself.

"It's my fault we had to move."

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