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After Cassie told her story, she was emotionally drained, and wanted nothing more than for this dreadful day to be over. Jasper stayed, holding her in his arms until she fell asleep.


Cassie dreaded seeing Bella the next morning.

She sat at her kitchen table watching the clock on the wall tick closer and closer to when Bella should arrive. Every minute that passed made Cassie stomach churn, and unconsciously play with her fingers.

She still had no idea what to say, and she desperately hoped that Bella wouldn't ask. Maybe the Cullen's managed to convince her with the "adrenaline rush" propaganda? But Bella was smart, and Cassie just knew she wouldn't be that lucky.

Her time for figuring out her excuse ran out when there was a knock on the front door. She sighed, throwing her bag over her shoulder. She took her time walking to the door, hoping to delay the inevitably awkward encounter.

With on last sigh, Cassie replaced her worried frown with a fake, half-assed smile and opened the door.

"Hey Bella!" She said with some enthusiasm. "How's your head? You feeling any better?"

"Uhh, yeah. Much better." Bella said, but there was a hint of anger and frustration behind her words.

Bella was not convinced and Cassie knew it. She considered wacking Bella over the head, and when she'd wake, tell her everything was a dream. Maybe if Cassie was lucky, she would have short term amnesia and forget everything that happened.

As much as she wanted to, Cassie decided to ignore the whole problem, and hopped it eventually went away.

The car ride was awkward to say the least. The girls sat in silence. The only sound being the ragged hum of the old Chevy motor. The tension between the two could be cut with a knife.

Once arriving at school, the girls waited by the truck. Cassie sitting on the hood, and Bella leaning against the side. They watched as students lingered in the parking lot, all waiting for their biology teacher to let them know when it's time to pile into the buses.

Today was field trip day for biology class.

Cassie somewhat dreaded this trip. She had never really like biology, especially when she had to dissect a sheep eye. It was one of the worst experiences ever for Cassie. To put it in perspective, she threw up ... a lot.

But at least on the bright side she gets to be out of the dull classroom.

From across the parking lot, Cassie spotted the Edward, Alice and Jasper. Alice perked up seeing the girl, sending her a bright smile and waving frantically. Cassie waved back, chuckling slightly at Alice's cheeriness. 

She looked at Jasper, noticing that he was already looking back at her. They both flashed each other a small smile while maintaining a small staring contest.

"Just go to him." Bella grumbled jealously.

Cassie broke her stare with Jasper, looking at the brunette next to her, frowning.


"Go to Jasper. Seeing as you won't even talk to me, or tell me what's going on."


"No. You're acting like nothing happened yesterday! I'd have thought that maybe you of all people would tell me something!"

Cassie stared at Bella with wide eyes, not expecting the suddenly outburst. Bella breathed heavily, staring at Cassie with a harsh glare.

Cassie slid off the truck, taking that moment to reassemble her thoughts.

"B-Bella, you hit your head—" Ew bad thought process.

"Don't give me that shit." Bella seethed.

Cassie was shocked at Bella's unexpected bluntness, which left her speechless. This is a new side of Bella that Cassie had not expected. This girl had some relentless determination to get what she wants, and not taking 'no' for an answer. Cassie decided absolutely hated this quality about her. Why couldn't Bella just keep her nose out of other people's business? All Cassie was trying to do was keep her safe. And what does she get? Yelled at in the school parking lot.

Cassie clenched her hands, and her breaths became heavy and quick, doing all she could to control her anger and frustration, and not "Wolf-out" . . . again. Then that anger and frustration disappeared just about as quickly as it came. Serenity seem to overcome her so intensely, it was almost overwhelming and made her slightly dizzy. Her hands unclenched her breaths became steady. Though just because she was calm, doesn't mean she wasn't frustrated.

Both the girls stared at each other for a moment, and Bella's eyes eventually softened and she frowned. But before she could apologize, Mike Newton appeared with his normal cheerful attitude, completely oblivious to the girls' tension.

"Look at you! You're alive!" Mike exclaimed to Bella.

Cassie took this moment as an opportunity to escape the situation.

She quickly found Jasper, who was waiting by a bus with Alice. The moment Cassie was by his side, he grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "She's regrets yelling at you." He stated, hoping to ease Cassie's mood.

It didn't.

Cassie nodded. She was unable to find her words at that moment, the shock at what happened rendered her speechless.

"Well, we better get on the bus." Alice chipped.


wow two updates?? crazy

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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