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The bell signalling that school was over was what woke Cassie from her English class slumber. The girl casually rose from her desk, as if she hadn't been sleeping the whole time and gathered her books. She turned to meet the judging stare of Bella Swan. "What?" Cassie asked innocently.

She sent me a pointed look. Bella waited until the two were in the hallway to address the girl. "You were asleep the whole class." She stated.

Cassie scoffed. "Not the whole class, I just dozed off a bit."

"Really? What is the last thing you remember?" Bella challenged.

Cassie thought for a moment. "Um... 'Good afternoon class. Today we will be...' I'm drawing a blank after that." She said. Bella sent her another judge filled look. "In my defense, I've been unpacking and that can really tire a person out."

Bella sighed, but she broke into a smile. She couldn't help but laugh at her friend. "I'll tell you what we did in the car. To be honest, you really didn't miss much." Bella said.

Cassie ran her hand through her hair. "Thanks." She said sheepishly.

The two girls bid there short byes and separated to go to their lockers. As Cassie tugged her bag out of her locker, she was greeted by a southern accent. "Hey, Cas."

Cassie smiled. She looked up at the boy who was leaning against the locker beside her. It was just now she realizes how tall he was, basically towering over her.

"Hey." She said. "What's up?"

Jasper scratched the back his neck, pushing himself off the lockers. "I just wanted to apologize for lunch. Sorry if it made you uncomfortable. Alice can be a little-"

Cassie didn't let Jasper finish. "Don't worry about it, I liked hanging out with them. Everything kinda just took me by surprise. Don't take it personally." Cassie  threw her bag over her shoulder, and started walking down the hallway. Jasper walked by her side.

"You didn't seem all that uncomfortable around me." Jasper stated with raised brows.

"I guess . . . I just-I feel like I can talk to you —like it's easy to. Is that weird?" She asked, cringing slightly. She hoped she didn't make things awkward, though sighed in relief when she saw Jasper smile.

What he said next made her happy beyond relief. "No. I feel the same."

They're eyes met, and Cassie felt something new turn inside her. A feeling she'd never felt before. She felt a gushy, heartthrob-y feeling.

The two walked in comfortable silence down the halls, enjoying the company of one another.

Jasper—being a gentleman—opened the front door for Cassie, who smiled and said her thanks.

Cassie spotted Bella at the truck going through her bag, both earbuds in. What she missed was the smirk etched upon Bella's face as she watched the pair walk together.

"I'll see you tomorrow than?" She said in a more hopeful way rather than a question.

Jasper nodded. "Yeah. See you tomorrow."

Almost hesitantly, the two parted ways to their separate ways to their separate cars.

Cassie felt lucky to have met the Cullens. There was something about them, something that should be cherished. These past few months have been difficult for Cassie, and she was desperate for a friend. Though she wasn't exactly the most social person, she hated being alone, so she wanted to surround herself with friends. But after what happened all those months ago, the idea of a friend scare Cassie now. She was scared that she's make the same mistake again. And now, after feeling isolated for so long to protect the people around her, call it selfish, Cassie needed a friend.

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