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Stranger Things season 3 is by far the best season so far!! Love my mom Steve Harrington!!

A few days went by and it got a lot easier for Cassie to adjust. She'd taken a liking to her new friend group, and she's just all caught up in her classes . . . except for history. Because Cassie came from Canada, she only learned Canadian history in school. Fortunately, Jasper had offered to help her, and does so throughout class. But sometimes, the two would talk about something completely unrelated, and just get to know one another.

"So," Jasper started on the Friday morning. "Why'd you move to America?"

"Well, my mom and I wanted a change of . . ." She paused. "Scenery. A smaller town, less issues. Then my mom got a job offer at the hospital here, so we decided that this was our opportunity for a new start." Cassie thought back to the days in Canada. The issues they faced. The Incident. The guilt of that day flooded in, and she clenched her fists and tightened her jaw.

Jasper noticed her lack of detail, then felt sad when he sensed her emotions. He concluded something happened in her past, something painful and it clearly still affected her. "I'm sorry." He didn't mean to make her feel sad. All he wants is Cassie be happy.

He furrowed his brows when he got no reply. He dipped his head closer to the unresponsive girl. "Cas?" He whispered.

Cassie snapped back into reality, looking at Jasper. "Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

She sent a forced small smile. "Yeah. I'm fine." Although Jasper didn't believe her words of reassurance, he decided not to pry. After all, her past is her business and she'll share it when she's confortable. Instead, Jasper tried to calm the girl to best of his abilities. He smiled when he saw her relax and felt her emotionally calm down.

"Stuff happens I suppose." She muttered.


During the weekend, Cassie invited Bella over to take her up on their "initiation". The girls manage to finish all the Harry Potter movies up to Order of the Phoenix (the last three movies hadn't been released yet) by Sunday.

"You were so crying!" Cassie accused.

Bella scoffed. "No way." She denied, attempting to subtly wipe the wetness from her face.

Cassie rolled her eyes. "Stop denying. No one will judge you." She stated.

Bella sniffed and looked over at Cassie, who to be honest looked a mess. Her face was red and puffy and was tear streaked. Bella let out a chuckle, blinking the away the tears in her eyes. "Fine." She said in defeat. "Maybe I cried a little."

Cassie smiled. "Isabella Marie Swan, I dub you my best friend."

Bella sent the girl a judgemental look, but returned the smile non-the less.


Cassie had a good laugh Monday morning as she watched Bella slip and stumble on the ice as they walked across the parking lot. The clumsy girl would shoot Cassie a glare whenever she snickered. "Shut up." She'd mutter.

Cassie chuckled, but didn't say anything else. She took in her surroundings, surprisingly already used to the area around her. Maybe it was because she has Bella by her side.

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