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I literally spoke to one guy ONCE and now my friends are planning my wedding.

Cassie groaned. She didn't like gym for two reasons: one is that she's forced to wear shorts and a white shirt. Cassie and white clothes does not bode well together because somehow she always manages to get it dirty, and to think that her self-consciousness couldn't get any worse, all the guys was ogling because her white shirt made sure to project the fact that she's wearing a red bra. She hated the attention.

"My eyes are up here bud." She sneered at any guy who'd look at her bellow eye level. At one point, she threatened to rip on guys eyes out if he didn't look away.

The second reason is that she has to basically supervise herself and make sure she didn't expose herself by moving faster than humanly possible or by accidentally expanding her claws and have her eyes change colour for all to see.

When the bell had finally ran, Cassie was already in the change room and changed before the first person entered.

Happily, Cassie was able to sit with Bella during English and nothing crazy really happened (not that she thought anything crazy would actually happen). Really the all that happened was a lecture of the different perceptions in Shakespeare's Mid-Summer Nights Dream.

When school had finally ended, Cassie and Bella retrieved their things from their locker and met at the orange truck.

"So," Cassie started as she hopped into the passenger seat, "What's up with you and Edweird?"

Bella furrowed her brows at the nickname, but decided not to question it. "Nothing. Like I said, he just sits next to me in Biology."

Cassie held her breath as she studied Bella's face. Her cheeks were a clear flushed red, and she was obviously trying to hide it with her hair. "Obviously there's more to it. Is he hot?"

Bella's face flushed even harder.

Ignoring blood flushed cheeks, Cassie laughed. "Bella's got a crush!" She yelled.

Bella glared at the girl. "Shut up." She grumbled.

"So what is it about him?"

Bella sighed. She was hesitant to voice her opinion, not wanting to sound like a crazy person. "He . . . I dunno. He's good looking, I guess. He seems different though. His whole family does. They fascinate me I suppose."

Cassie agreed. Of course she knew the Cullen family was different, maybe even supernatural. Bella was smart, and quite frankly Cassie was slightly scared for that. She didn't want Bella to get involved in the supernatural world. Cassie longed for a normal life. She didn't like being a werewolf, sure the super strength and speed and accurate hand eye coordination is cool, but she feels like she has to constantly look over her shoulder, scared of the someone else will try and attack her. She just wanted a normal life.


When Cassie walked through the door of her home, she was instantly engulfed with the amazing smell of her mothers spaghetti meatballs. She furrowed her brows, confused seeing her mother home so early since she'd normally still be at the hospital at this time.

"Hey Cassie!" Melissa said, smiling at her daughter. "How was school?"

Cassie put her bag on the floor, and tossed her jean jacket on the coatrack. "Pretty good. I've got a group to chill with, no homework." She propped herself against the counter. "Why are you home so early?"

"Well, Dr. Cullen was very kind and let me go early." Cassie perked up.


"Yeah. Apparently his is kids go to your school."

Cassie nodded. "I've seen them. One of them sits next to me in History."

Cassie looked to the pots and bowls on the table and counter, noticing two extra plates at the kitchen table. "Are we having a party or something?" She joked.

Melissa chuckled. "Kinda. I invited Charlie and Bella over for dinner." She wiped her hands on her jeans. "I thought it'd be neighbourly."

Cassie smiled at her mother. Melissa seemed much happier after moving. Cassie knew that all the supernatural stuff was hard on her, and extremely stressful, which was another reason why Cassie wishes for a normal life.

"So have you heard from Oliver lately?" Cassie asked, placing plates down on the dining table.

"He called just before you got home. He said that college was going good and that he should be getting some time soon to come down. He really wants to see the house." Melissa said.

Cassie hasn't seen her older brother for a several months now, as he went off to college to study mechanics so he's still in Canada. Cassie missed her brother (though she'd never admit it aloud), he always found a way to make ruckus in the house that she'd normally found annoying but secretly longed to hear again.

"Cool." She said casually.

For next hour, Cassie helped her mother prepare food and set the table. When the father-daughter Swan duo arrived to the Grey home, they were warmly invited inside.

It was Melissa and Charlie that did most of the talking, while Cassie and Bella listened, once in awhile inputting their own thoughts into the conversation.

By the end of the night, the two small families seemed to become one, and the Swan's left with smiles on their faces. Melissa watched them leave through the kitchen window, and small smile lingering on her face, with a feeling in her stomach that she hadn't felt in a while.

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