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TW: this chapter contains mentioned of physical abuse!


I was kind of a loner at my old school. Prior to my brother graduating, he was the only person I ever really hung out with.

Eventually, I got use to the change of not seeing my brother at school, and I adapted to being alone. I didn't mind though.

One particular day when I walked into my maths class, I noticed a new student; he was sitting in the usually empty seat beside my own, his head leaning against his hand. His dark brown hair was draped over half of his face.

I frowned at the sight.

I enjoyed having the extra desk space to put my books, as the desk a too small to have a binder and a textbook open at the same time.

I guess good things don't last forever (which I understand seems dramatic for the circumstances).

With a final sigh, I forlornly walked to my single desk space and got ready for class to start.

It was an awkward silence between us (or at least to me it was awkward). This wasn't a feeling I wanted for the next several months we'll be sitting next to each other, and I made a goal for myself to at least try and make a friend. What could hurt to say hi?

"Hey." I spoke up. The boy turned to me. He dark brown eyes, briefly met mine before he shyly looked away. "I'm Cassie."

I could tell he was slightly uncomfortable by the interaction. You and me both, buddy.

Perhaps an icebreaker?

"Umm . . . Well, you know uhh, if you struggle at math, you shouldn't let it get to you, because it's easy as Pi."
I sent him the kindest and most welcoming smile I could possibly muster.

He looked at me with a odd expression, though it didn't take him long to muster a small smile. He lightly chuckled. "I'm Daniel."

After that, for the next few weeks Daniel and I slowly, but surely, got to know each other. At first we were hanging out at lunch and in between classes, which quickly turned to him coming over to my house just about everyday.

I never went to his house though. Whenever I asked about it, he'd become very uncomfortable and had some excuse as to why I couldn't. I never pushed the topic.

One Sunday night, we both sat on my bed laughing away at a some embarrassing thing that happened to Daniel. It was a moment of such happiness between me and my best friend because for the past few hours, we've been sharing secrets we've never told anyone and telling each other our most embarrassing moments.

As our laughter died down, we sat in a comfortable silence.

"It's my dad." Daniel said suddenly. His expression changed: his bright white smile now changed into a frown as his eyes looked down at his hands.

I stared at Daniel. What did he mean? What about his dad?

Daniel glanced at me for a brief moment, as if to see if I was listening. "I don't want you coming over to my house because of my dad." His voice was quiet and slightly shaky.

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