Chapter 2: Art Class Sucks

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Cole didn't see Angel the rest of the summer- which both bothered him and didn't. It was sort of like the punk just disappeared off the face of the earth. Cole tried- he really did- but he couldn't get the image of Angel's knuckles- or the huge bruise out of his head. Something just didn't feel right.

But he didn't let it completely consume him. He played the rest of the summer season as well as he always did. He went to parties- hung out with Vinny and Rex- started to put his college application together. In the back of his mind though- there was always the smell of smoke and that bruise.

Now the summer was over and he was looking for his senior art class- Photography 305. To be honest he wasn't exactly excited. He sucked at art- and English- and science- and math. The only thing he was good at was football and history. Rex walked next to him- talking about some girl he'd met in the Florida Keys over summer break. Rex was Cole's tight end and he was a pretty good one. Just like Cole- the agile man had been playing since he was a kid.

In fact- they'd been on the same team since elementary school- same positions too. So, Cole was happy he at least had one of his best buds in a class he'd probably fail. Cole just didn't like art- he never under stood why people got so worked up over it- like the window is just a window dude- stop crying.

The other good thing is that the photo teacher was a fox! Like one of the hottest teachers in school. She was young too so Cole and Rex were going to find a seat where she'd have a good view of them both. Isn't it every high school boys dream to hook up with the hot teacher?

When Cole and Rex got to the classroom he both groaned out loud. Seating chart.

"Good afternoon to you two as well" Ms. Bridget rolled her eyes and Cole scanned the promethean board for his name. Oh fuck.

There it was, Cole Jackson typed in pretty cursive- and who else was he siting with at the table- none other than Angel Jefferson. Cole pretty much wanted to jump out the window- after yelling at Angel he wasn't excited for the jokes the punk would make out of it.

The photo room was cold and dark- camera lined the walls as well as famous photos taken by dead people. Rex patted Cole on the shoulder and went to sit next to his table mate- a pretty girl from the tennis team. This was SO not fair- how come Rex got Becca -THE flirt of Beckem Highschool- and Cole got a cocky goth who probably hated his guts right now.

Angel had his hair up in a top knot and was wearing black hoodie with the sleeves cut off and paint splatters on it. He also had on the same ripped jeans from the roof top and a beaten-up pair of converse. He was chewing gum again and hadn't noticed Cole yet.

Maybe Angel didn't even remember Cole-yeah- that'd be good.

As Cole approached the table he felt uneasy. He grabbed the straps of his backpack and bit the inside of his cheek. Why the hell was he so nervous? Angel finally looked up and made a shit-eating grin.

"Well if it isn't "I have fun!" Cole Jackson"

"God you're such an asshole"

"Yeah" Angel snickered, "You're right. How was the rest of your summer?"

"Do you really care?"

"Not one bit but I was told by pretty Ms. Bridget that I should try and be nicer"

"Yeah- I'm pretty sure you don't have a nice bone in your body" Cole rolled his eyes and sat on the stool next to angel. He put his backpack in the cubby under the table top and tried his hardest not to even look at Angel.

"I mean girls tend to say my BONEr is pretty nice" Angel joked and Cole couldn't help but laugh.

"Did you really just say that?" Cole chuckled, "What the hell dude that's gross!"

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