Chapter 20: Lovey Dovey

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Chapter 20: Lovey Dovey

There is something about being in love that no one ever tells you. No one can put into words how that person changes you. Mundane things become great achievements. Cole and Angel were anything but normal. They started things completely backwards. But once you find that one person who awake that's spark, the fine never dies as long as that person is next to you. Angel never thought he'd find it. That was the honest truth.

Who would love a man who never stood up for himself. Who'd hold someone who just sat there and took the beatings as they came? Cole was a toy at first. Angel was bitterly lonely in those halls, Rudy wasn't there. Matt was never in the state. Angel was alone with himself and he'd never had worse company. Angel has never felt so out of place then he did standing in that open field that night. The night Cole lit up his world. His lover's lips were trembling and cold as they pressed against his for the world to see.

The hollers from the team and his own thumping heart drowned out any doubt that he was safe. Cole looked at him with such a sparkle in his eyes. Cole touched Angel like he was silk. The black kid never looked so beautiful as he did under those blinding stadium lights. Angels knees almost gave out, his hands shook with excitement, this was all real. This wasn't some dream he was going to wake up from. It was possible to be this happy.

The following Monday was a gift from heaven. They held hands on their way to their respective classes. Angel caught the eyes of people who'd never known the boy. Girls looked at him in ways he'd never been looked at. Coles class was on the first floor while Angels was on the second so the couple halted at the door to Coles class. They didn't part ways yet, they drank in the moment they both waited for for so long. Angels free hand raised to cup the shorter mans jaw and he softened his lips into a smile.

"I'll see you at lunch" Angel said, being bumped into from behind. He was jostled closer to Cole, who kept his lover from falling by placing his free hand firmly on Angels hip.

"Yeah" Cole muttered, it was funny. They were both so bold when they were sneaking around but now, in the light of other eyes, they became shy.

Angel stepped back as the warning bell rang, "bye" he said again, and Cole gave a small wave before Angel turned his back to walk to class. Angel could suddenly feel all eyes on him. The glances had never bothered him before but now they were filled with something else. Jealousy.

When he arrived at his modern history class he felt weird. Everything had changed, and he underestimated what it meant to be out. Before no one really cared about him or knew him so it didn't matter that he played around with everyone. But now that he was dating the school golden child, he was suddenly thrown into the spotlight. He'd never felt ashamed or pressured about his sexuality but now he felt slightly guilty. For some reason.

He took his seat in the middle left of the class and kept his head down. His mind was in a daze, he felt lost.

"Hey" a soft voice broke him from his thoughts and he turned his head to the right. There sat a girl he'd only every exchanged a few words with. She was dark skinned with a head scarf draped over her hair. She had large brown eyes and plump lips with a flattened nose, "congrads"


"On the whole dating the jock thing" the girl laughed, "I wasn't at the game, but my girlfriend is a cheerleader and came to my place screaming her head off on Friday"


"Gay as hell?" she laughed, "yeah just don't tell my mom. I'm Sasha by the way"

"Angel" Angel grinned slightly.

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