Chapter 21: Black Bird

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Another shorter chapter, I do want to warn you that there will be descriptions of Angel's scars, which spur from his abuse so if you are triggered by that kind of stuff- read with caution. I will be working on this book on a regular time period again so no more waiting two months for an update.


Chapter 21: Black Bird

When Cole pulled into his driveway with Angel in the passenger seat- he was exhausted. He felt like he could sleep for a week straight because of the news he had just heard. While he put on a brave face for Angel, he was just as terrified of what would come from Carson finally finding Angels father.

Cole coaxed Angel out of car and held his lover up as they walked into the house, "Maybe you want to nap? Its been a long day," Cole suggested.

Angel nodded silently and the look on the punk's face sent Coles heart into a pit. He felt so useless at the moment. He knew there was nothing he could so in the next few moments to make Angel feel better. He released his hold on the Hispanic boy once they got through the front door and Angel headed for the stairs. Cole heard a door close, but it wasn't his bedrooms, Angel had closed himself in the guest room he was 'supposed' to stay in. Cole sighed and dropped his bag by the front door. He kicked his shoes off and walked to the couch pathetically. He sagged into the couch and sighed again. He felt the same frustrations Angel had expressed. He was mostly just pissed off at the moment.

How could Harry just abandon his baby and suddenly come back, a problem that left should stay gone. Cole felt disgusting- he was thinking so harshly of a man who had been put through hell. But Cole was just starting to find himself, Angel was finally coming out of his shell at school and Cole just watched his boyfriend sew himself up into a ball of thorns because of Harry.

He didn't hear his front door open, but did hear the heavy clunk of his father's briefcase hitting the floor next to the door, "Anyone here?" James called out, eyeing his sons stuff but not seeing his son.

"Living room" Cole croaked and tipped his head back to watch his father strip off his peacoat and scarf. James hung his coat up neatly and rolled his scarf into a tight ball to place on the shelf above the coat rack. James walked heavily to the living room and sat in the chair across from the couch, "how was your day?" James asked.

"Sucked, how bout' you?" Cole answered sharply.

"Same old same old," James sighed, "what about your day made it suck?"

"Angel got a text before lunch that threw him into a panic attack, pretty sure he's upstairs taking a depression nap right now," Cole lolled his head back to face front.

"What was the text about?" James crossed his left ankle over his right one and sagged in to the chair, getting comfortable for a long talk.

"You remember Carson? Angels uncle who paid for his medical stuff?" Cole started, and James nodded silently, "Well he told us when Angel was in the hospital that he was going to hire a private detective to find Harry-Angels dad".

"Yes, I remember," James said, connecting the dots on were this was going.

"Well he found him," Cole sighed harshly, "texted Angel and Angel just shut down. I found him in the photo room, sitting in the dark, seconds away from having a panic attack. He broke my heart, you know how you feel when mom cries? Like that, just gnawing cold that sits in your stomach?"

"You really are in love," James stated, "I know what you're talking about"

"Yeah, well I go to hug him, just try and bring him some comfort and he busts out into tears, he going on and on about how he's scared to get rejected again and how he suffered through so much. He doesn't think Harry gives a single shit about him"

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