Chapter 9: Please Forget About Me

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Chapter Nine: Please forget about me.

            Angel stared at Coles ceiling- he was lying flat on his aching back and listening to the voices that drifted through the vent from the living room. Tara and Cole were talking about him. Rudy wasn't in California- he just wanted to see if he could trust Cole- or if this whole thing was just Cole trying to play a charity case.

            Angel still wasn't sure. All he knew is that he wanted to go to Rudy's- the place he really called home and drink himself to black out. He'd been friends with Rudy since kindergarten when Angel pushed someone who was being a brat to Rudy off the monkey bars. He got 20 minutes in time out and a lifelong best friend.

            He liked to call Rudy the string-bean-boy, he was a towering 6 feet 4 and lean. He had curly brown hair that was usually occupying a beanie because Rudy was always too lazy to tame it. You would think Rudy was a punk like Angel by looking at him- but the second the nerd opened his mouth it was like the sun shined behind him.

            Angel ached for his best friend in this moment. He craved the lay on his buddy's couch and let Rudy care for him, so he didn't have to do it himself. Angel raised his head and looked around. It had stopped raining. There was a large oak tree outside of Cole window. He needed his friend. His entire body screamed against the movement of sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the warm bed.

            Angel had stupidly left his boots downstairs- but he bet he could swipe a pair of Cole's and return them later. His ribs throbbed and yelled at him to just lie back down but his need to leave won over the pain. Once his feet hit the floor his blood began to pulse- heart began to seize. He felt the burning need to leave.

            He'd fuck up another person if he allowed himself to be swept up in the jock- everything would go wrong! He lumbered over to Cole's dresser- sliding the top drawer open and trying his hardest not to chuckle at the Captain America themed boxers. He wrapped his bruised fingers around a pair of thick socks and shut the drawer quietly.

            He leaned against the dresser as he slipped the socks over his feet- he was shaking at this point- he couldn't tell if it was the beating, exhaustion, or sadness. But he moved forwards. He nicked a pair of TIMs from Cole's closet and tied them tightly. Cole was a size or two bigger than Angel and he didn't want to break his ankle as he was scaling the tree, so he made sure the boots were almost painfully tight.

            He stood up straight after tying them and looked around the room. He felt guilty but at the same time he knew this is what was going to have the best outcome for the latter party. He hobbled over to Cole's desk and plucked a pen from the mug he kept filled with writing utensils. He grabbed a back of blue sticky notes and wrote 'I'm sorry! Please forget about me! Don't worry!' down on it. He pulled it off the stack and stuck it to Cole's pillow.

            When he finished he headed to the window and pulled it open- his arms were burning as he pushed the screen up as well and looked back one last time. He should have never humored the jock by being friends. He should have left him alone.

            He reached his arms out and gripped onto the wet oak tree. He'd snuck out of his own house and Rudy's enough to know his way around scaling a tree without falling. Once he reached the bottom his finger nails were dug in with rotting bark and Cole's sweater had some green stains from the algae growing on the trunk of the tree. He had parked his bike to the left of the drive way and left his helmet at home.

            He'd just be careful. It would be fine.

            He swung his stinging leg over his seat and tapped the bike with his heel to shake the water off before sitting down and revving it on. He knew his bike was loud- he knew it would alert the people inside. He knew this had to be the last time. He would not allow himself to steer Cole's life into the depth of depressive binge drinking and bad habits he lived in.

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