My Best friend's Boyfriend's Best friend PART 2

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This is a three part short story, I should have part three up tomorrow depending on when I get my thesis updated done. I love these two soft boys. They make me so happy. 

A week after drunkenly making out with my best friend's fiancé's best friend. I was so confused. I had asked Tara and Carmen to meet me for lunch because I didn't have an older sister and I felt like they somehow knew things. Carmen and Tara had gotten married three years ago and had been talking about moving down to San Francisco for months now. They had finally put an offer on a place and this was their last month in Washington.

"Don't you have Cole for this?" Tara asked, leaning her chin on her hand. Carmen chuckled next to her and slung her tattooed arm sound Tara's slim shoulders.

"Yeah let me just call up Cole, who's neck deep in wedding planning and dealing with his first really tough case and say 'hey buddy, you know your fiancé's best friend? Yeah the other best man? Well we totally made out and now I can't stop fucking thinking abut him, what do you think about that?' he'd have a fucking hernia."

"Are you sure you should be cursing that much around him?" Tara pointed a manicured nail towards Samson, who was chewing on the collar of my shirt.

"He's being raised by a single guy, you think his first word isn't already going to be a curse word?" I grumbled. I was tired, not only was Samson having a bad week sleeping, my principle was changing my lesson requirements right before the new year started and I kept having wet dreams about Rudy. It's ridiculous, a grown man having wet dreams like a teenager. I sighed loudly.

"I take it Justin is still overseas?" Tara asked.

"Yeah," I sighed. My older brother was a naval officer and was currently stationed overseas. I would usually go to him or Cole about girl trouble but...this was very clearly different.

"Here you go," the pretty waitress set our coffees down and that's when I noticed something. Tara was a notorious coffee fanatic, but she was drinking iced tea. Carmen also hadn't taken her hand off of Tara since they sat down.

"Seriously?" I whined.

"What?" Tara chuckled.

"You're pregnant!" I said and slapped on a smile, "congrats!"

"Told you he would be able to tell," Carmen snickers while sipping on her latte.

"Of course, he's the one person we know below the age of 40 that's had a baby," Tara pouted, "I was so sure we could fool you"

"Please," I scoffed, "Amy spent three hours yelling at me when she found out she couldn't have coffee, I also spent the entire time being a protective pain in her ass, you were never going to fool me, but I'll make you a deal,"

"A deal?" Tara raised a brow, "for what?"

"Cole is super stressed right now and I'm guessing that even though he would be extremely happy, he'd spend the next three weeks aggressively researching pregnancy and stress himself even more. So, in return for not telling Cole about your little secret, please tell me what I should do" I pleaded.

Carmen tried to hide her laughter and failed. She held her hand over her mouth while she laughed. Tara just gawked at me like she couldn't believe I would blackmail her but I was running in circles and getting desperate.

"Fine," Tara squinted at me, "but how did I end up the person everyone comes to when having a sexuality crisis?" She sipped her tea.

"Because you have an amazing and awesome wife and didn't have a crisis deciding to just go for it while Cole and I went and are going crazy," I said and smiled.

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