Chapter 10: Not Like This

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Chapter 10: Not LikeThis

                The days of the week after Cole had walked back to his room to find Angel gone had become long and tedious. Cole moved like a slug- this slime trail was just a black cloud that filled Coles mind with all sorts of things. He was spinning- like a top and he was dizzy- about to throw up.

            Laura had grown worried about her boyfriend- he want's being himself. She knew he'd been more on edge since finding out about Angel and even worse since the party but now he was dragging his body everywhere and she was concerned. He kept his eyes glued to his phone screen but never opened it or texted someone. His sister called him more but when he did answer it was short one-word answers.

            It was like she was dating a robot. On Friday she pulled him aside during lunch. They sat in the library- in the back row of dictionary's and she fiddled with her pretty fingers. He had his head cocked to the ground- shoulder slumped and eyes hooded with a lack of luster. Cole had always been a star- but now it looked like his light was dying.

            She hated it. She hated whatever was making him feel like this. She wanted to make him smile. But every time she touched him- every time they kissed it was like he'd caught the flu. His face turned pale and his hands grew clammy.

            "What happened?" She whispered, "What's making you act like this?"

            He didn't respond.

            "Cole" she whimpered, "please you're scaring me"

            "I kissed him" Cole blurted- voice choking on air.

            "I know" Laura nodded, "But that was weeks ago- we were all drunk- it was a game"

            "No" Cole croaked, "not that"

            "I don't understand" Laura shook her head, "you have to help me understand"

            "I can't do this anymore Laura- you- you have to understand that this is not you. Okay -I'm just really confused right now"

            "Oh my god" Laura covered her lips with her hand.

            "I don't know for how long or when it happened but..."

            "You like him" she breathed out, "When...when did you..."

            "he showed up the day I went home early- he'd been beaten, and he was so vulnerable- I just...asked him if I could kiss him- he said yes. It was a spur of the moment thing- it's not like I planned it"

            "oh my god"

            "Laura I never meant for any of this to happen you have to believe me about that" Cole hung his head, "I can't tell you why but he does something to me- it's like every time he's around-"

            "Stop" Laura interrupted, "Just...stop"

            "I'm so sorry" Cole whispered as she stood up, "So so sorry"

            "I know" she smiled sadly and pet his head, "I know- just give me a little time okay? And be good to him"


            "I won't tell anyone, don't worry" she held her calculus text book in her arms- Cole could see the tears in her eyes. She turned and walked away- he heard the sniffle. He saw her reach up to her eyes and whip a tear away. He could see the damage he'd done.

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