October 12th, 2024

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Hello! the long awaited wedding! I am so excited (and nervous) to announce that I have a Patreon! My Patreon is T.King and I really hope you check it out and support me as I continue to create! I am so beyond thankful for all of your support throughout the years and I know I haven't been the best about updating these last Two years but thank you. Forever thank you. 

a few things before we continue:

1. a short story about  two certain people will come from this and be on my Patreon at the $7 level

2. Cole is not a pure bottom but that story will also end up on Patreon 


October 12th, 2024 – Olalla Washington

Cole was tapping his heels up and down while sitting in the plush chair the hotel has supplied the room with. His father, Tara, and Vinny were in the room with him. He was still in his pajamas from the night before and was already a nervous wreck.

"What if he backs out?" Cole blurted out and the other three looked at him for a moment before laughing.

"Are you serious?" Tara laughed, slightly round with her and Carmen's first baby.

James noticed that his son was in fact, serious. James strode over, already in his black suit to lay his hand on his sons back. He squeezed.

"I know you're freaked out but that's just not going to happen" James assured.

"Yeah man, Angel has been so gone for you since high school, you guys have been engaged for two years, I think he'll make it down the aisle" Vinny swiped a complementary muffin off the tray on the dresser and stood next to Cole, "relax dude, or I'm gonna get you drunk"

Cole chuckled, the stress easing out of his bones. A gurgle from the hotel bed drew Coles attention away from that afternoon. Vinnys son Samson was reaching into the air. The one(ish) year old boy squealed as Tara ticked his tummy. Vinny picked his son up and held him to his chest.

"Do NOT puke on me" Vinny joked, and Samson squealed again. Samson was the happiest baby Cole had ever met, but to be fair he hasn't met a ton of babies. Vinny began bouncing Samson on his hip and looked at Cole, "it's gonna be fine Cole, better than fine! You're marrying Angel today! Loosen up and enjoy the thought of today."

The door opened and Cole stiffened up again, his mother slipped into the room with his tux and some coffee for the room, "you ready baby?" she asked while James took the coffee from her.

"No," Cole laughed, "But it's now or never right?".


Meanwhile, Angel was chain smoking out his hotel rooms window. Rudy was checking his phone for a message from Vinny about how Cole was doing. Matt was checking their coffee orders and Carson and Harrison were making sure the suits for them all were in proper shape.

"I swear to god if they don't show up, I'm going to jump out this window" Angel ground his teeth.

"Harry said they are just running a little late," Carson sighed, "I thought you quit," he changed the subject.

"I did, years ago but...I think I'm allowed one cigarette today"

"One was about 6 ago," Rudy cocked his eyebrow and plucked the lit stick out of Angels hand and crushed it against the windowsill, "what are you so nervous about?".

"Everything, all the time, what's your point?" Angel glared at him.

"Ang," Matt crouched in front of Angel, who was sitting on the floor, "I know how you feel but you have to try and think positively, you get married today, tonight you have some mind breaking sex, and tomorrow you two jet off to New Zealand."

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