Chapter 5: Finger Tips

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Chapter5: Finger tips

            Cole lead Angel to his car and even opened the door for him, "wow- what a gentleman" Angel rolled his eyes. Angel slid into the slick silver Toyota. He swung his bag around him and plopped it in his lap. He hugged it to his chest. Cole watched him for second then closed the door and walking around the vehicle to the driver's side.

            They were both silent while on the drive to Cole's two-story colonial. Cole felt like he was suffocating- Angel was only two feet away- the man who had been haunting him was so close. Cole had never been so transfixed on something. Even after a few years football became fluid to him. Easy and a natural movement.

            But next to him was something he'd never imagined he'd get himself into. Angel had run his hand through his messy waves. His hair looked soft- maybe one of the only things on Angel that was soft. Cole knew Angel had a silver tongue- lying came just as naturally to him as football came to Cole. Cole- for an odd reason saw Angel as the betta fish he had in middle school.

            Fins like silk- beautiful flowing soul while- he fought anything new to him. Cole imagined that Angel was brash- not very good with change. He had fallen into this pattern of abuse- Cole wondered- why had he never gotten help?

            Was it a masculinity thing? It couldn't be- it had been going on longer than the 'boys don't cry' mentality had been beaten into young men. How did a teacher never notice? He couldn't claim he'd fallen off his motorcycle when he was 12. How did no one step into save him? How did someone let his abuse go unnoticed!

            Anger brewed in Cole, at himself. How did he not know this kid? How did he go so long without seeing the boy in the background? The punk always in black and a shitty smile?

            "Hey!" Angel snapped, "Cole! Slow down dude!"

            Cole had noticed he was speeding down the freeway by 20 miles. He eased his foot off the gas and sighed. He cast a sideways glance to Angel- who looked at Cole with a confused expression.

            "You good man?"

            "yeah", Cole seethed, "just thinking about how I never noticed you in three years"

            "psht" Angel snickered, "What? Are you crushing on me?"

            There was something in Angels voice that made Cole feel pitiful- there was some lost longing in between the snarky voice. Cole wondered if it was just the overwhelming loneliness that he imagined came with being a victim.

            Cole pulled off into an elementary school parking lot and put the car in park.

            "What the hell?" Angel questioned.

            "Why didn't you ever ask for help!" Cole yelled.

            "What the fuck are you talking about?" Angel brushed it off but Cole was smoking with rage. He got out of the car and slammed the door- not noticing Angel flinch at the sound. He walked around the car and ripped Angels door open, "Fuck off man" Angel snapped and Cole didn't catch the small whimper in his voice.

Cole grabbed Angel by the arm and pulled him out of the car- slamming him against the trunk of a large oak tree, "Why didn't you tell someone about the abuse!"

            "Stop" Angel yelled- pushing Cole back.

Cole kept Angel still by healing him by the back of his collar and his other hand on his hip bone, "it hurts when I grab you here" Cole looked at his hand on Angels side, "Why didn't you tell someone- someone would have done something"

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