Chapter 22: No Man's Land

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A few things before we get back to my regularly programmed bullshit:

1: I have made an Inkkit account (T_King) and I would love for you to go check it out because I have had a few issues with Wattpad recently and Inkkit helps more of their authors get published and I would love to get this book published. 

2: On the same track as publishing, all Explicit parts of this book will now become private extensions to chapters are will not be in the final copy.

3: I am totally looking for an editor because this book is almost 200 hundred pages and I have so many things going on right now that an editor would seriously help me out.

I hope ya'll had a super awesome pride month and I am so thankful for all of you and your continuous support of me. 

- Tess

Chapter 22: No Man'sLand

Angel had fallen into a deep sleep from either the exhaustion or anxiety. Cole stayed awake, holding the fragile teen in his arms. He couldn't find it in him to fall asleep while he had so many questions going on in his mind.

His thought process was interrupted by his phone buzzing on the night stand. He reached behind him to grab it and groaned when he saw the caller ID. He tearfully pulled away from Angel who responded with a soft whine. Cole sat up and grabbed his phone, answering and quickly whispering, "hang on a second".

He stood and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him softly and walked down the hall to his room, "Sorry Carson, Angel was sleeping, and I didn't want to wake him"

"I take it he saw my text?" Carson asked- sounding strung out and tired.

"Yeah, gave him two panic attacks. Just for future notice- a call might be a better way to break the news that you just found the father who abandoned your previously severely abused nephew" Cole scolded, taking a moment to remind himself not to sound too much like his mother.

"I know it was bad" Carson let out a ragged side and mumbled something to someone else, "I haven't reached out to Harry, but I have his information. I think if anyone is going to make the first contact..."

"It should be Angel" Cole said, "I agree".

"I haven't been able to get a hold of Angel since the text" Carson said.

"I put his phone in his backpack- it's downstairs. Sorry bout that" Cole said, a bit of a bite behind his words.

"I understand, and I am sorry for not being there to help with the aftermath, I had to go to Japan for business".

"Yeah Angel told me about how you're wooing your intern in the hills of japan like some sappy BL manga" Cole teased, "send me Harry's info, I'll pass it along to Angel".

"Cole," Carson spoke up, stopping the teenager from hanging up the phone, "Thank you. For being there for him through all of this"

"If I'm being honest, I wish I would had known him freshman year. Maybe I could have helped a lot sooner".

"But you're here now and that's all that matters, but trust me, I know how you feel" Carson said softly.

"Go swoon your intern," Cole laughed, and Carson said a quick goodbye before hanging up the phone. Cole sighed and slipped a pair of black sweatpants and a tank top before trotting down the stairs and almost running into his dad.

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