Chapter 1

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I flipped through some fashion magazine from Auradon as I leaned over the counter next to the register at "Lady Tremaine's Curl Up and Dye" while Dizzy swept. These days have been so boring since my friends Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay left to prissy pink Auradon. I was offered a spot in their gang which I refused since I prefer being behind the scenes but we did hang out together a lot.

Now that they are gone, Uma thinks she's the queen of this town. She sees herself as this big bad wolf but all she does is stay at "Ursula's fish and chips" and serve people. Funny.

I heard the front door open and flaps of the entrance move. I closed my magazine and smiled looking up. "Harry Hook, what a surprise." I walked to him and crossed my arms.

"How is it a surprise? He comes everyday to just stare at you." Dizzy stated. "It's called sarcasm Diz." I rolled my eyes as I motioned for her to go upstairs. She sighed and dropped the broom leaving us alone. "Hello love." Harry moved closer and brushed my hair out of my face with his hook, gripping my waist with his other hand. Everything about him would make a girl melt. His eyes, his hair, his smile, his accent. Oh god I swear his accent is the reason I'm alive.

"What can I do for you today? Maybe a trim?"

"How about being my lady?" I smirked and went under his arm back to the register. "You're gonna have to work way harder then that if you want to be with me." I said chipping my black nail polish. "Like what?" He asked with his arms halfway raised and a slight shrug. "Hm, I don't know. A walk on the beach while the sun sets, a romantic Italian dinner, oh maybe hot air balloon riding. We can ride off into the sunset" He chuckled and leaned over the register.

"How about you meet me by the docks at midnight?"

"No sunset?" I pouted. "No, just me." He smiled. "Well, I have nothing else to lose." I said. "Hilarious, I'll see you soon Drisa."

He walked out as I breathed out. Oh what that man does to me. "Looks like you got a date." I jumped and quickly turned my head to see my best friend Morgan, Morgana's daughter AKA Ursula's sister, sitting on one of the chairs near the hair washing station which is just a sink. Our one thing in common? We both dislike Shrimpy-, I mean Uma.

"How long have you been here? I didn't even hear you come in." She laughed at my confusion. "I got here an hour ago when you were making bracelets."

"And you never bothered saying anything?" I put my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes. "Well I thought you knew. Anyways that's not important right now, YOU HAVE A DATE WITH HARRY HOOK!"

"KEEP IT DOWN YOU NITWIT!" my grandmother shouted from upstairs. "Oops. Anyways what are you gonna wear? How are you going to do your hair?" She started to pace and ask herself questions. "I am going to wear this and leave my hair like that." I shrugged and started to redo my nails with gold nail polish.

"What? Why? It's a date." She stated while putting some jewelry into her bag. "Stop saying 'date' it's not a date." I said. "So you and him alone at the docks, the most 'romantic' place in the isle, is not a date? Oh, and you guys were literally talking about dates before he asked you." It's true, if you were to go on a date or something romantic you would want to go to the docks at night to see twinkling lights coming from Auradon and the soothing sound of the water. "He just said to meet him there so basically it's a meeting."

"Okay Drisa, whatever you say."


I walked through the dark streets of the isle under the flickering lights, which gave me comfort. I stole a few scarves here and there, folding them up really small and shoving them in my pockets. I arrived at the docks and looked around. Nobody was here except for a ship that never moved which belonged to Harry, well his dad.

"I'm glad you actually showed." I jumped and turned around. "Don't scare me like that!" I said playfully pushing his shoulder. "Don't scare ye? That's my specialty."

"Oh shut up!" We laughed and he took my hand. "Follow me." He led me onto his ship and climbed a steel ladder up to the ship's crow nest. "Wow this is so high up." I said and looked over the seas to the land of freedom. Where Mal is going to become queen. Where Evie is a well known fashion designer. Where dreams come true. I shook my head and cleared those thoughts. Where stuck up Prince and Princesses live. I glared at the land of hypocrites.

"Traitors." Harry said. "What?" I looked at him to see him already staring at Auradon. "They left us here. Not giving us another thought, and leaving us here will be their last regret."

"What can we do? We are trapped in this prison with a barrier around us." I sighed and walked around to look at the isle. "This is where we belong." I said. "Pff and they belong over there? They are just like us Drisa." I knew he was talking about my friends. "They changed, they're good now. Let's just forget it, I mean you wanted to prove your worthy of my amazingness right?" He laughed and put his hands on my waist.

"Am I worthy yet?" He leaned in close and tilted his head a bit. "We got all night Hook." I escaped from his grasp and walked around again. "Oh! Spicy Cider!" I picked up the bottle of spicy cider and the two plastic cups that were leaning against the floor. "Right." Harry set his hook on the floor and took the bottle from me to serve us. "Wow a gentleman and a bad boy. I like it."

"I have my days." He smirked.

After we finished the spicy cider we climbed down the crow's nest and walked to the captain's wheel. I grabbed the little handles and started to spin it. "Captain Hook! We have got to find the doubloons!" I said and turned the wheel vigorously. "Aye Captain Tremaine. We shall swim in riches!" I laughed as we continued to joke around with me saying typical pirate lingo that everyone knows and Harry saying actual pirate lingo that I couldn't understand.

We sat on some steps on the deck just talking about ourselves. "You know, Uma thinks she has the whole isle wrapped around her finger." I shook my head and brought my knees up to lay my head on them. "What are you talking about?" He asked and touched my cheek with his hook. Oh I just love when he does that.

"I just hate how she acts like she can control everyone. She can slap a pirates hat on but she's still shrimpy."

"Well she does have people afraid of her, and she won multiple fights." Harry said. "Are you trying to defend her?" I sat up and looked into his blue eyes. "No, I'm just saying what I heard around. It's a small town." I nodded and looked at him skeptically. "Well enough about shrimpy, show me around the ship." We stood up hand in hand showing me different parts of the ship and telling me their names although I will not remember them tomorrow.


"So? Can I call you mine yet?" I rolled my eye at his choice of words but laughed. "I guess you are worthy." He sighed in relief and leaned in close. So close that our lips were a centimeter apart. "But I don't kiss on the first date Hook." I whispered and opened the door to my Grandmother's shop. I peeked out to see him walking backwards pointing his hooked hand at me as he smiled. "Soon Drisa."

I laughed and closed the door locking it. Am I actually happy in the Isle of the Lost?

Hey everyone! I don't know how many people actually read Descendant stories but I really wanted to put one out myself, and let me just say getting Harry Hook's personality is tough 😂 He's crazy, but for me writing it is hard. Also, he won't talk like a pirate and I won't try to do his accent. I feel like that's too complicated especially for a book that's just written to pass time. Well I hope you guys liked it!


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