Chapter 5

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Remedial Goodness 101 was a drag. It was just a bunch of basic scenarios that basic Auradon people would do. I knew I would ace the class with Mal's advice. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."

Dizzy and I sat on a bench weaving bracelets with some yarn during break. "Look, I wrapped the glitter yarn around it." Dizzy showed me her bracelet that gave quite an Auradon vibe. It was a soft blue, simple braided design, easily wrapped with a cream glitter yarn. It was a pretty bracelet, but it wouldn't suit either of us. "Are you planning to sell it?" I questioned.

She looked at it longingly then shrugged putting it to the side and starting on another one with black yarn instead. "Hey girls." Books slammed on the table and someone took a seat. I rolled my eyes and continued weaving. "Hello, Chad." Chad. Son of Cinderella and Prince Charming.

"So, I know your grandma tried to keep my mom as a slave, but I say let's move past that and go on a date." He winked. I burst out laughing and packed my yarns, Dizzy following in suit. "Okay sure, meet me under the bleachers at 7." I said standing up with a slight smile.

"Wait. Really?" He quickly stood up hitting his legs on the table, looking flustered. "Yup, see you then." I stalked off and Dizzy jogged to catch up. "You're really going on a date with Chad Charming?" She asked with a face of disgust. I giggled and shook my head. "As if, I wish I could see his face when he realizes that I'm not showing up." She caught on and laughed as well. "Nasty."

Back in our dorm I was watching TV while Dizzy was sewing my leather dress where the stitches began to unravel. I jumped as the door slammed open and Mal walked in. "How do I look? She strut up and down the room as I laughed. She was wearing a yellow and blue dress that Evie is making her for Cotillion. "Like a real life princess!" I giggled.

"Well this real life princess can't breath." She sat on Dizzy's bed and laid back. "Wow! Evie made this?!" Dizzy began to go on and on about the stitching and the fabric as I rolled my eyes. "Dizzy, why don't you go and help Evie with the other dresses she's making for cotillion." I said, hoping to get rid of her.

"You're right! She can work way faster if I help." She ran out the door and I got up to shut it on her way out. "So... the dress is something." I looked her up and down as she struggled to sit back up. "Yeah, it is."

I sighed and just came out with it, "This definitely isn't you." I said. "Your dress... your hair..."

"I know. It's just the pressure! These people want you to be someone their children can look up to. When I was a child I was learning how to steal and pick pocket!" I laughed and nodded. "It's hard trying to keep up and pretend to be something I'm not."

"Then don't." I shrugged. "Deep down inside you're good, as much as I hate to say it, Auradon brought out the best in you. Show them you're inner goodness. Don't try to be this poster girl, you need to stick to your roots. Well minus the bad parts." We laughed. "Speaking of sticking to your roots, I don't even know where yours start. Your hair and your skin are basically the same color."

She quickly looked up at me and gave me big hopeful eyes, "Give me a new look!"

"Right now?" I'm definitely not prepared. "Tomorrow. I have a date with Ben in-." She paused and looked at her watch. She stood up in a flash and gasped "AN HOUR! I HAVE TO GET READY!" She ran out as fast as she could in her heeled boots. I took this time to think of Mal's new look.


Evie and I went out to the shops to buy hair dye and anything else I needed for the makeover. "How about a light blue?" Evie said holding up the dye. I shook my head and threw, what people call, a grape at her, which she caught in her mouth. "I'll take that as a no." I laughed and munched on another grape. They turned out to be my favorite fruits in Auradon. We don't really get fresh fruit on the Isle. "Let's stick to purple." About 20 minutes later I held the perfect shade up in the air and let out a small cheer of approval. "LET'S DO THIS!"

After filling our cart with makeup and hair products we were on our way back to the dorms. We struggled with about 15 bags of stuff, but still managed to make it.

"Then I just snatched the fake jewels and ran away." We laughed as I opened the door to my room. We dropped our bags to the floor and once I looked up I jumped out of my skin when I saw Mal sitting on my bed.

"Mal? I thought you were on your date with Ben?" I questioned. Evie shut the door and we made our way to sit beside her.

"It got cut short...he found my spell book." I gasped. "Oh M." Evie sighed and rubbed her back. "Was he mad?" I asked. She nodded, "Very."

"You guys will work it out, you always do." Evie reassures. Mal stayed quiet as she got lost in thought. "Hey, how about we do the makeover now?" I said and got up rummaging through our bags to find the hair dye. "Ugh, anything to take my mind off of it." Evie and I jumped excitedly and dumped out all the bags onto the floor.

While finishing off with a pink tinted lipstick on Mal's lips, something caught her eye. "Where did you get that necklace?" She asked. I looked down and held the delicate piece of jewelry in my palm.

"I got you something."
He pulled out a silver chain with some kind of pearl or jewel on it. "Oh my god Harry it's beautiful! How did you get it?"
"I found it, I don't know how it got here so easily but I'm glad I saw it before anyone else."

I shrugged. "I found it on the Isle. Why?" I looked at her curiously. "No reason. I just thought it looked familiar..." Her voice trailed off as she lost herself in thought. I put the lipstick away and dragged her to the full length mirror. "Well?!" I asked excitedly.

She let out a slight gasp and looked at herself all around. "This is amazing! You're a miracle worker Drisa! And Evie did amazing with this outfit." My eyes lit up and I ran to the closet. "How can I forget the special touch?" I pulled out her infamous purple jacket and held it up to her view.

Mal smirked and slipped her arms through the sleeves. "Oh I am so back."

"Come on, let's go show Evie." She left earlier to finish off some dresses she was working on. I tried to lead her out of my room but she stopped me. "Wait." I tilted my head a bit, confused. "I-..."

"Let's go back to the Isle."

It's 2019. I think I have been writing this book since 2017 and it's barely chapter 5 lmaoooo.


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