Chapter 7

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Rest In Peace Cameron Boyce 💕 a celebrity death has never hit me this hard, but you meant something to everyone. You were a beautiful kind soul, so pure and brought so much light. We love you.
May 28, 1999 - July 6,2019

"Ha! Shrimpy kidnapped Ben?" I laughed. "Well she had some help." I looked at Mal as she looked everywhere but me. "Help from who?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Not Harry that's for sure" I rolled my eyes. "I really don't care what Harry does, it's not like I'm his girlfriend." Mal raised an eyebrow, but dropped the topic and sighed. "Anyways, turns out they were following right behind us. They found my note way faster than I expected."

"Wait, 'They'?" I questioned. "Evie, Carlos, and Jay." I gaped. "No way the gang's back! That's crazy." Morgan laughed. "Let's go to my place, they're back there." Morgan and I nodded and followed her out of the shop. Well now that Mal made it shown that we're here might as well whip out my badass walk down the alley ways.

"Guys, where's Ben?" We heard Carlos say once they came into sight in front of Mal's place. "Now that I realize it he's been gone for a while." Jay mumbled. "Ben?" "BEN!" We paused in our tracks and hid behind the archway.

"Ben don't scare us like that." Evie sighed in relief. "Don't scare ye? That's my specialty." Oh no. I know that voice anywhere. Mal looked at me and silently gagged. I threw her a smile and turned back to watch.

"What did you do with Ben?" Jay asked, showing aggression. "Well hello, does Drisa happen to be with you?" He smiled, with fake politeness. "No, and even if she was we weren't gonna let you go anywhere near her." Evie said in a firm tone. Thank you Evie, I owe you one. "Now, where's Ben?"

"Oh, we nicked him. Mhm. Wow it takes you mates a while to figure that out, hm?" I saw Mal tense beside me out of the corner of my eye. If I can just wipe that smile off his face. "Yeah, and if you want to see him again, don't try anything funny." He pointed at all of them and smirked. "Well, back to the chip shop."

He turned to Jay and looked him up and down. "Aw, Jay... Seems like you lost your touch." Jay lunges at Harry, but Evie held him back before he can do anything. "Jay!"

Harry lets out an adorable, I mean totally hideous, giggle with his arms half raised. He then turns to Carlos and gives him a little bark. After a final look at all of them he spins around and walks away, whistling a tune.

"He's such an ass." Carlos huffed. "Tell me about it." I laughed as Mal and I came out of the shadows. "Let's go up." Mal grumbled.

"Why would you guys bring him here? King Ben. To the Isle. Where everyone hates him." I flopped on the couch and nodded. "Mal, he was going to come with or without us. He wanted to bring you back." Evie sighed. "Well I already talked to Uma, she wants the wand in exchange for Ben." My eyes widen. She definitely did not tell me this part.

"Well you're not gonna actually give her the wand, right?" I asked. "My 3D printer! We can make a fake wand" Carlos exclaimed. Evie gasped. "Yes! And we can make smoke bombs at Tremaine's place." She looked at me for approval. "Oh this is going to be great." I smirked.

The guys left back to Auradon to make the wand, and us girls went to my shop. While Mal and Evie made the smoke bombs, I grabbed a small backpack and started packing more supplies. "You know we have all this stuff in Auradon, Right?" Mal asked with an eyebrow raised. "Well yeah, but I don't want to pay for all that." I don't even have any money, but I didn't say that out of my own pride. Mal nodded understandingly and got back to working on the bombs.

Once they finished, we walked out to go meet up with the guys at Mal's place. We stopped dead in our tracks when we saw a figure walk towards us. I held my breath, wishing it wasn't who I thought it was. We breathed a sigh of relief when we saw who it was. "Jesus Gil, stop trying to act all ominous." I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't trying too, it's always dark out here- wait a minute." Gil took a good look at me and my eyes widened. "Gil." I narrowed my eyes. "Drisa? No way, what are you doing here? I gotta go tell Ha-."

"No!" I cut him off and grabbed his shirt by the collar. "If you utter a word about me to anyone, I will make sure you don't live to see another day. Am I clear?" I've never been the type to make people shake in their boots, seeing as I can never be as evil as Mal once was, but there is something about me that people do not want to mess with. "Very clear." Gil gulped.

"Now get out of here before I punch you into next year." I threatened and threw him to the side with all my might. He quickly got up and started to run away, not after tripping over his own two feet of course. "I wouldn't be surprised if he said something." Mal rolled her eyes.

"Or he might just forget." Evie added and I nodded in agreement. "Im hoping for the latter." I said as we continued our way back to Mal's place.

This was a filler, but I'll release an update tomorrow to make up for it :)

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