Chapter 2

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Harry hates this shirt so I slipped it on with a smirk. I decided to give him a break so I put a small cropped tank top instead of leaving it as just my bra. He knows people in the isle can't keep their eyes to themselves. Though they would never put their hands on me because they know I will break their necks. Being Harry Hook's girl also puts up my very own barrier.

We have been together for about one month, but I mean who's counting? "Take care of the shop Dizzy, or don't I don't care." I said grabbing my gloves and slipping them on. "I always take care of the shop." She replied as I shrugged and walk out.

I walked around the isle a bit just picking up random fabric, fruits, and bread. "Ugh finally glue sticks." Dizzy will be ecstatic when she sees these. She ran out of glue for the hot glue gun since she was gluing tiny plastic gold crowns on some fake red jewels. I know it has something to do with her obsession with Evie.

"Drisa. You know I don't like that shirt." I smiled and turned around. "That's why I wore it." He tilted his head and smiled. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Don't worry though, only you get to touch." I pressed my lips to his and he quickly responded as he ran his hand up and down my back. "I will snap anyone's neck if they ever touch you." See. Told you. "Mm." He pulled away and reached into his pocket. "I got you something."

He pulled out a delicate silver chain with some kind of pearl or jewel on it.

"Oh my god Harry it's beautiful! How did you get it?" I asked in shock as he went behind me, moving my hair, and clasping the necklace around me. "I found it, I don't know how it got here so easily but I'm glad I saw it before anyone else." This is so unlike Harry, well anyone in this island. A treasure that probably cost more than my existence is something someone would probably want for themselves.

"This is amazing, thank you so much." I basically pounced on him as I hugged and kissed his face all over. We got cut off by a throat being cleared behind us. We turned and saw Gil narrowing his eyes at Harry. He sighed and turned back to me. "I got to go Drisa, but I will see you at your shop tonight." I nodded and he kissed me once again and tried to deepen it but got caught off by Gil clearing his throat again. "I never get to have any fun." I laughed as we pulled apart and I watched him walk off but not before grabbing Gil by his jacket and dragging him along. I laughed as he pushed people out of his way.

"DIZZY!" I shouted once I entered the shop. "WHAT!" she shouted back but we already stood in front of each other. "Look at what Harry gave me." I moved my hair and tilted my head up so she can get a better look of the necklace. "Whoa! How did he score this one?" She gasped and lightly touched the jewel. "He said he found it. Some princess probably threw it away because it didn't fit in her closet anymore." We laughed and she backed up.

"Drisa you will never guess what I just saw." Morgan said as she came through the flaps. "What?"

"I saw Harry Hook going inside Ursula's Fish and Chips." I looked at her and shrugged it off. "No, he wouldn't. Even if he did he was probably there to tell her off or something." I defended him shaking my head. "Okayyy but I think you should check it out."

"Fine, if it will give you comfort then I will." More like to give me comfort.

As I was walking to the shop I started to think. Harry hated Uma as much as I did, didn't he? I would always talk smack about her to him... but he never did join me. I pushed open the doors to Ursula's Fish and Chips and walked in. There were people eating and minding their own business but as I walked more I saw Harry with Uma, Gil, and some other pirates.

I leaned against a wall out of eye sight and waited. "What's my name? What's my name?" "Uma!" I stood there shocked as they began to sing. What is this Auradon? Have they been practicing this or something?

If looks could kill they would all drop dead right now. I was beyond angry. Harry has been working with her this whole time. I felt like a huge idiot. Maybe Uma put him up to get with me. She knew I was friends with Mal and the others who she also hated. Is this some type of revenge? Harry never liked me. I was just a part of their sick plan. If this were happening to anyone else I would surely give her props, but not me. Nobody messes with me.

"You know what they say
Bad girls have all the fun
Never learned how to count
'Cause I'm number one
Ready, here we come
We always get our way
It's a pirate's life
Every single day!
Hey, she's the captain
I'm the first mate
Enemy's seasick
Can't see straight
Call 'em fish bait
Throw 'em on a hook
Uma's so hot
They get burned if they look."

The rage in me started to build up. I let them finish their little performance as they began to talk about taking over Auradon.

"They will forget that girl, and remember the name-"

"SHRIMPY" I tried to restrain my laughter by clamping my hand over my mouth. Gil is my new best friend. I still went unnoticed when everyone went back to their business and Harry kicked out Gil. I rolled my eyes at their lack of attention to their surroundings and went towards the door to see Harry turning around after stopping Gil from coming in again.

"Drisa! How long have you been here?" He asked nervously. "I enjoyed the show. You have a nice set of pipes, babe." I rolled my eyes and stepped passed him and out the doors. "Drisa I can explain." He followed me out and pushed Gil out of the way since he was sitting on the steps. "Explain what Harry? That you have been working for Uma? That our relationship is fake and something she put you up to for revenge? That you have been making a fool out of me this whole time? I'm done. Done with the lies, done with this island, and done with you Harry Hook, so why don't you go off with Uma and live a happy life as her first mate." I stocked off not giving him a chance to reply.

I heard things crash and people scream. Just Harry going on a rampage like the psycho he is.

Villains don't cry.

I walked back to the shop to see a big limo sitting in front of it. I looked at it confused and ran inside. "Dizzy what's-" I paused and slowed down my pace as I saw men in blue and yellow uniforms. "What is this?" I asked and walked to Dizzy taking a scroll from her. "We... are going to Auradon?"

~~Chapter 2 aye aye ayeeee

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Chapter 2 aye aye ayeeee. I hope you guys are liking it so far I'm still debating whether or not I should put a face for Drisa hm.


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