Chapter 3

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"IT'S LIKE A DREAM! EEK I ACTUALLY GET TO GO TO AURADON! WE GET TO GO!" Dizzy danced around the shop as I stood there dumbfounded. Dizzy noticed and she stopped to look at me. "What's wrong? Aren't you happy? We can leave."

"I-" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I can get away from everything. "Of course I'm happy." I opened my eyes and smiled. "We're going to Auradon!" I exclaimed and Dizzy cheered. Anything is better than being stuck, even Auradon. "We will be back tomorrow to retrieve you both. For now please get packing." One of the men in uniform said as he ushered the others out.

"You pack the jewelry and I'll get the clothes." I said as we high fived each other and ran to get backpacks. I ran upstairs to the room we shared and got the only beat up duffel bag we have that we bought at Jafar's store. I filled it with our clothes and extra pair of shoes we have since we only own 2 pairs including the ones we are wearing right now. After neatly folding our clothes in the bag so all of it can fit I laid out mines and Dizzy's outfits for tomorrow. I rather be in a land with goody goodies than in a land with Harry Hook.

I passed by our broken mirror with paint splatters on it but stopped in my tracks. I turned and looked at my reflection placing a hand on my chest. "My necklace." I mumbled. I kept on the necklace Harry gave me. Come on Drisa, villains don't cry. I shook my head and left it on. Maybe I can get a quick buck for it.

Dizzy came upstairs and placed a purse and a backpack down next to the duffel bag. "Done! Both filled with jewelry, tons of leather straps, and ribbons." She knows I love leather straps and ribbons for bracelets and chokers.

"Good, we are ready to go. The scroll says we leave first thing tomorrow morning." I took off my shoes and changed into my pjs then slipped into bed. "It's barely 7pm Drisa, we don't open until midnight." Dizzy sat on her bed which was right next to mine and faced me. "I know Diz, I just had a long day." I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling. "You saw Harry at the fish shop huh?" Dizzy sighed in disappointment. "Not only that but he was working for Uma this whole time. They even have their own theme song or something."

"I'm sorry Drisa. I know you really liked him."

"You shouldn't be sorry, you didn't do anything. It was my own fault for not being more aware of who he really is. I mean who even dates in the Isle? It was just a stupid fling anyways it meant nothing."

"Guys suck." I laughed and turned to Dizzy who was giving me a slight smile. "They really do, now go do your thing and if someone tries to steal the hair dye again call me." She nodded and headed out leaving me to think.


I woke up earlier then usual the next morning. I turned to Dizzy to see her still knocked out. I got up and changed into a leather dress but kept the jewelry at a very minimal since it was packed away. I picked up our clothes that we wore yesterday from the floor and folded them, and shoving them in the duffel.

I looked at the clock on the night stand to see it was 7AM. I did what I had to do in the bathroom, ate some stale cereal then went back to my room taking our bags and heading downstairs. I placed them near the door and plopped down on the chair in back of the register.

"Hey." I looked up to see Morgan's head peak through the clear paint splattered flaps. "Hi." I sat up right and placed my elbows on the counter and put my chin on my palms. "I followed you yesterday to the fish shop. I saw the fight." She looked at me with pity in her eyes. I hate that look. "It's fine. I don't even care anymore." I shrugged and leaned back on the chair. She looked at me like she didn't believe a word I just said but she shook it off anyways. That's what I like about her.

"What's with the bags?" She asked. "Oh um. We have been invited to go to Auradon Prep... and live in the dorms."

"You're leaving? When?" I hesitated but answered anyways. I checked the clock again to see it was 8am "In about an hour or so." I played with my hands and waited for her reaction. "I don't know if I should be happy for you and Dizzy or sad." She looked distraught as she sat down. "Hopefully the first option." Despite what everyone might think villains have emotions too. We care, we love, and we grieve. We're only human.

"I'll miss you both. I-I have to go" She stood up and walked out before I can utter a word. She's upset.

"Drisa!" Why is everyone up so early? Coming in through the doors was Mack. One of Dizzy's friends I think and son of some random street seller. He has to be about 9 "Dizzy is still sleeping, Mack." I decided to pass time by painting my nails black again. "I'm here to see you." I gave him a weird look and continued to paint my nails. "I was at Ursula's Fish and chips last night and I saw Harry drinking and sitting with Gil-"

"Pirates." I scoffed. "Anyways he was saying how he was gonna go see you but he was too drunk to even stand up. Then he said that he was going to come today and force you to be with him whether you like it or not. Then he started singing, it was pretty funny if you ask me-" I cut him off before he started to ramble.

"Harry won't go anywhere near me. Trust me. Now run along go back to selling rocks or something." He nodded and ran off. He will most likely take me seriously but I couldn't care less. After I was done painting my nails Dizzy came down stairs. "I am so ready to go!" Dizzy jumped around with her headphones on singing to the lyrics to "Rather Be With You." We found an MP3 with limited songs on it which were all pop princess songs talking about romance.

As much as I hated the people in Auradon I still wanted to be free, so yes, I was excited for this too. For another 30 minutes Dizzy danced around as I sketched hairstyles and different types of dresses. I heard a car pull up and I gasped. I closed my magazine and picked up our bags. Dizzy noticed and turned off her music. "They're here!" She squealed and we walked out and there awaited a limo. A man came out of the driver seat and came to greet us. "Drisa and Dizzy Tremaine, correct?" We nodded as he smiled and took our bags. He put them in the trunk as I opened the back door.

"Where do you two think your going?" Dizzy and I froze then turned to the entrance of Lady Tremaine's Curl Up And Dye. "Hi Granny!" Dizzy said nervously. "Bye Granny!" I quickly said and ushered Dizzy inside and dove in closing the door. "GET BACK HERE YOU NO GOOD TWERPS!" The driver made it in the car in the nick of time. "STEP ON IT!" Dizzy shouted.

The driver obeyed and finally slowed down when we were out of sight. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and rubbed my temples. "What is all this?" Dizzy looked mesmerized at bowls filled with stuff in them. "I think it's... candy?" I said unsure. I picked up a little rectangle shaped candy in a red packaging that said "KitKat".

I peeled it open to see two little sticks attached to each other. "Dizzy I think this is chocolate!" I think I have to break it in half due to it being thin in the middle so that's what I did and gave one to Diz. We took a bite out of it at the same time then looked at each other with wide eyes. We scoffed it down and greedily ate at least one candy from each bowl, and there were plenty.

After we finished the car stopped and we tried to clean each other up as quickly as possible. I shoved some more chocolates in my bra, which I will learn soon that it was a bad idea. The door opened and we stepped out gracefully yet cool. Students were out playing music on instruments and cheering. Why are they so happy? "This is exactly how I thought it would be." I said rolling my eyes.

"Mal! Evie! Guys!" I gasped and ran up to hug all of them. I was surprised when Mal hugged back, she has never done that, but with her blonde hair and glossy white dress I have no idea how to interpret her. "Drisa! We missed you." Evie said once we hugged.

"Long time no see Tremaine." Jay and I did a fist pound and I gave the last hug to Carlos. "Ah! It's so good to see you again!" He exclaimed. Dizzy was too busy going crazy over Evie and telling her the designs she made to notice anyone else. "Welcome to Auradon! I'm King Ben, and I'm sure you know the others." I looked at King Ben up and down as I walked back to standing in front of the limo door. "I've heard of you." I said crossing my arms.

There was an awkward pause then Ben laughed nervously. "Well, Mal and Evie can show you to your dorms then after you are all set I will swing by to give you your schedules for your classes." Ben kept it short and straight to the point which I liked. He clapped his hands then excused himself to go to a kingly meeting. "Carlos and I need to go to Fencing practice so we will see you at your room after lunch." Jay then patted Carlos' back and they left.

"You guys are gonna love your dorm, we chose the decorations ourselves." Evie gushed. "I will never let other people decorate an incoming Villain's room anymore after how ours turned out. There was pink everywhere." Mal said. "Well pink isn't that bad." Dizzy replied.

"Not hot pink, baby pink." Dizzy looked off into the distance then shuttered. "Oh geez."

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