Chapter 8

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It's definitely going down now. I'm currently hiding behind a huge wooden pillar as the other VK's and Lonnie, who came back with Jay and Carlos from Auradon, walk up the dock to meet Uma.

"WELCOME!" Harry exclaimed with his arms raised. "FINALLY!" Uma exclaimed.

(A/N: I'm going to turn the song to talking btw)

Harry walked towards Ben and began pushing him to the end of the plank. "Let's get this party started, but first let's get some things straight." Uma smirked. "There's no negotiation, I'm not here for debating. If you need some motivation, just look at Ben's face then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient. I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks. You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart."

Harry put an arm around Ben and slightly leaned on him to mock all of us. Then grabbed his coat and kept him at the edge.

Mal began to talk, "Now, let's all just be smart although for you that must be hard. You'll get your wand, no one has to come to any harm. Don't try to intimidate, your bark is much worse than your bite. I guess we'll find out who's the baddest of them all tonight."

Harry began spinning and playing around with Ben, but making sure he doesn't fall. My heart was beating so fast, my anxiety is wearing thin. As the pirates began to laugh and dance around Mal spoke up again.

"Okay look, this is not a conversation, it's a do or die situation. If you don't give me back the king I'll have no hesitation. I'll serve you right here and I don't need a reservation. That way your whole "pirate" crew can have a demonstration. Release him now, and we can go our separate ways. Unless you want to deal with me and the VK's." Harry left Ben and walked up next to Uma, learning on his arm that was resting on some wood.

Uma laughed, "So that's your big speech huh? An empty ultimatum?" It was Harry's turn to talk. He started walking up to Mal, too close for comfort, as Jay walked up behind Mal just in case. "All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him. Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him, and if he even starts to slip I'll eliminate him!" He lightly caressed Mal's cheek with his hook and I felt myself fill with slight jealousy. Mal has Ben of course she will never go for Harry, but memories of his cold hooked hand touching my face in a gentle way came flooding back.

"All it takes is one wrong look and I'll-" Uma cut him off, "Harry. We get it. Chill." She rolled her eyes as he wickedly smiled, blowing a kiss and walking away.

"Bring it on, better give us what we want. It's the wand for the crown, if you don't it's definitely going down."

"Then let's go! Make your move, peace or war it's up to you. Give us Ben."

"You're time is running up, you should really watch your mouth."

Mal rolled her eyes and Carlos handed her the fake wand. "HEY!" Mal paused mid step as she heard Ben's voice ring out. "We don't have to choose, we don't have to light the fuse. Mal, whatever you do it's gonna be a lose-lose. There's got to be a better way!" Harry stood next to Ben once again, and looked as if he were lost in thought. "Uma! I promise I'll give you your chance, you'll have your say."

"Silly King, you give me-? You're gonna give me a chance?" Her face filled with rage for a split second, then she put an an angry smile. "Well not a chance."

"Make the trade or walk to plank. It's up to you, Auradon washed VK's." I've lost count on how many times Mal rolled her eyes. She walked towards Uma and held the wand out to her. Uma smirked and reached out for it, but paused. "Hold up. Too easy." Mal gave her an slightly shocked look. "Why don't you give it a test drive. We want to see it work." Mal let out a small laugh. "You always were quite the drama queen."

As if on cue, Dude walked passed me and sat on the upper part of the docks. Evie noticed his presence and whispered something in Carlos' ear. Mal turned to look at them, desperate for any solution. Carlos slightly jerked his head towards Dude and Mal quickly got the hint. She quickly turned back to Uma. "Okay."

She walked to the ledge and pretended to look around. Her eyes landed on Dude and she began a fake spell. "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word." She made motions with the wand and I held to hold in a giggle. How can they not notice that there was no magic coming out of that wand.

Uma looked at Mal, irked and unbelieving. Mal gave her a quick glance. "Talk dog."

"Does this vest make me look fat?" I looked at him in shock. I was not told Dude can actually talk. The pirates laughed and Uma smiled.

"Does anyone have some bacon? Cookies?"

"GIVE ME THE WAND!" Uma seethed. "GIVE ME BEN!" Mal moves the wand out of her reach. Uma sighed. "Harry, bring him over."

Harry, whom was hanging Ben off the edge, smirked and dragged him towards Uma. "Oh before you go, tell your mom that Gaston says hi, and tell your dad that my dad wishes he finished off your dad when he had the chance." Gil smiled. Yup, he definitely forgot I was here. Once they were in front of Mal, Harry pushed him to his knees. "Aw" Uma pouted.

Both girls extended their arms at the same time. "Cut him loose, Harry." Harry rolled his eyes and sighed. "I never get to have any fun." Once Ben was released, his hand shot out to meet Mal's. Relief flooded her face, and she extended the wand to Uma, who quickly grasped it. Once Mal let go of the wand she quickly pulled Ben up. "We got to go."

"But the wand!" Ben exclaimed in a panic. He refused to move as Mal tried pushing his chest, his eyes fixated on Uma as she ran with the other pirates who gathered around her.

"BY THE POWER OF THE SEA, TEAR THIS WALL AND SET US FREE." She extended her hand up to the sky and waited, but nothing happened. She looked at the wand in shock. "NO!" Im anger she snapped the wand in half and threw it to the ground. "YOU DO NOT GET TO WIN EVERY TIME!"

"GUYS!" Jay dropped the barrel of swords so everyone can get one as Carlos shot the first smoke bomb at the group of pirates. I took a deep breath and ran from my hiding spot, quickly grabbing a sword. Metal clinked against metal, and pirates began falling into the sea. I slinked my way around wooden pillars until I reached my target

"Harry Hook." He froze, recognizing my voice. I motioned for Jay, who was fighting him, to leave me with him. He nodded and ran off to fight other pirates.

"Well, look who's back." He gracefully turned with a smile. "Drisa Tremaine. Can I interest you in a kiss?" He walked closer to me. "Oh Harry, you really know how to charm a girl don't you?" I continued before he can say anything. "But I don't want Uma's sloppy seconds." A look of confusion crossed his face until he remembered that I heard what he said to Uma.

"Drisa look-" I cut him off. "No. You look, Hook." (Unintentional rhyme.) I brought my sword up and whipped it at him, but he was fast with his sword as they clashed together. "If you would just let me explain you would understand what happened!" He exclaimed while still fighting off the blows from my sword. "Shut up Harry! I know what I saw and what I heard. I don't like to be played with." All my anger went through the sword as my slashes became more violent, but of course he can keep up.

"I'm a pirate, Drisa! You really expect me not to be around my own kind? I grew up with them!" I rolled my eyes. "You get to choose who you're "friends" with. Your relationship with Uma definitely doesn't seem like you were just hanging around her." It was his turn to roll his perfect blue eyes. "Fine! Uma and I are friends, but I don't like her! I like you Drisa Tremaine!" I paused, our swords still in contact with each other in mid air.

"I don't know Harry. You knew I hated Uma. You would defend your "first mate" through ever ill thing I said about her. You called her hot for God sake. You left me in the dark and you lied to me. Stupid of me to trust a pirate, huh?" I pushed him and he stumbled back, caught off guard. I ran off to take my anger out on other pirates. Harry stood there for a second, dumbfounded, until Jay pounced on him once again.

I shook my head and focused my attention to the pirate on the floor. I smirked and kicked him hard off the dock. Splash.

Wait. The pirate didn't hit the water yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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