Chapter 4

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Our room was painted black and had black curtains with pink, blue, yellow, and purple paint splatters. My bed had black blankets and sheets while Dizzy's was a dark royal purple. "This is amazing." I said and threw myself on the queen sized beds. "I made the curtains myself." Evie stated. "They are the best part of the room." Dizzy gushed.

"Well we skipped the first lesson to be here and we still have some time, how about we go to our room to talk." Mal looked at me then flickered her eyes to Dizzy then me. I took that as she just wanted to talk to me. "What about the boys? They said they were gonna come here?" I asked. "They will figure it out." Evie winked and we laughed. Evie and Mal both left us to settle in.

I unpacked and threw my undergarments in drawers. I went into the huge walk in closet and stood there shocked."Okay this is huge." I said. Dizzy came in and had the same reaction I did. "We definitely don't need this much space." She said. I grabbed some hangers and started to hang my shirts and dresses. I put my pants on the shelf above the hangers and laid back on the bed.

This is so comfortable I could fall asleep in a second. My eyes started to flutter shut until I heard a knock on the door. "Can't people just leave a new girl alone." I mumbled. "What." I said as I opened the door. Ben stood there holding two papers. "I have your's and Dizzy's schedules. Doug will come by tomorrow morning to collect you two and show you to your classes." Ben handed me the papers and I looked at them. "Goodness 101, Cooking, Gym, and fashion."

"Evie chose the last class for you two, she said she knew you'd like it." Ben shifted nervously. "Relax princess, I do like it." Ben laughed and shook his head. Glad he has a sense of humor. "Well I will go, if you need anything feel free to ask me." I nodded and closed the door before he could say anything else. Dizzy snatched her schedule from my hand and walked to the bed looking it over.

"Looks like we have the same classes." She said. "Looks like I have the same classes as a twelve year old." Sarcasm was easily spotted in my voice. "You're only 17, not much of a difference." I threw my head back laughing. "The difference is that I'm already a teenager."

"Anyways I'm going with the girls." I said and grabbed my gloves slipping them on. "Wait, I'm going too."

"Dizzy maybe you can go later, I want time to talk to them alone." She looked at me for a minute and nodded. "I'll look around then." I smiled gratefully that she understood and walked out.

I managed to find the room number the girls gave me and just walked in. Knocking is too much work. "Finally." Mal said turning off the TV. "Better late then never." I laughed. Evie paused her work on a sewing machine and stood up. "So tell us everything." She said.

I took a seat on Evie's bed ready to spill the tea. "Ever since you guys left and Maleficent turned into a lizard-" They let out a little giggle with a thoughtful look as if they were remembering the day. "Uma believes she's the baddest of them all. Seriously, she thinks that everyone is so terrified of her! Oh and believe it or not, she claims to be some type of "queen" of the isle." I said rolling my eyes as I tried to contain my anger with clenched fist.

"HA! SHRIMPY?!" Mal laid back in her bed and started laughing uncontrollably. "Uma? Wow the people sure have lowered their standards." Evie laughed. Once Mal sobered up she brought up the question I was dreading to hear. "So how are things with Hook?" She smirked.

"Harry Hook? He's a crazy jerk."

Harry's POV

I stood in an empty Lady Tremain's Curl up and Dye. I haven't seen Drisa since the incident and Dizzy isn't here sweeping and being a pesk like she usually is.

"What are you doing here?" I quickly whirled around to see Morgan making her way to the register and leaning against the counter waiting for my answer with a glare. "Where's Drisa?" I asked with firmness. A stormy looked crossed her face then a smirk. "Oh didn't you hear Hooky?" I narrowed my eyes at her teasing. "Hear what?"

"Drisa and Dizzy left to start a new life in Auradon!" She threw her hands up and exclaimed as if introducing that I just won a 1st place prize. I stood there dumbstruck. There is no way.

"No, that's impossible." I denied shaking me head. Morgan shrugged and turned on the tv to the only channel available, The Auradon news. Surely enough there was Drisa and Dizzy stepping out of the limo, being introduced by the spokes person on TV. As beautiful as she looked my anger still fueled as clips of Drisa hugging Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay showed.

"NO!" All I saw was red as I kicked bar stools and flipped the table with their sewing machine. I stormed out of the shop, pushing and punching people that were in my way. They didn't bother coming after me seeing as I could take them all in a fight any day.

After a while, I calmed down to walk with a wicked smirk. "Oh Drisa, leaving to Auradon won't stop me from having you."

Short chapter ik, but I thought this would be a good place to end it. Also I'm barely on chapter 4 yet I have writers block. I know what I want to write I just don't know exactly how to.

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