Chapter 6

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"Are you crazy?!" I exclaimed shaking my head as I plopped myself on my bed. Mal is on something. There is no way she would actually want to go back. Maybe the hair dye fumes are getting to her.

"Just hear me out, okay?" I sighed but kept quiet. "I'm tired. I don't want to be a poster princess or an idol. I can't keep hiding who I truly am. This goes deeper than hiding my personality, I can feel it." I lost track on how many confused stares I gave her today. "Come with me. You don't even have to stay, just test it out and if you want to stay you can." Not getting treated like I have a contagious flu would be nice.

"I guess-." She clapped once and sat on my desk. "I need to write a letter. Get whatever you need ready." I got a small backpack and put a change of clothes. I didn't plan to stay. I just wanted to visit the shop, maybe take some more supplies. Definitely no other reason.

"Okay. Let me go get my stuff and we'll meet down at the cliff."

"Are you sure about this M?" I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned. "I'm positive Drisa, this is exactly what I need." With a final nod she left the room. I sighed and decided to leave my own note for Dizzy.

The roar of an engine caught my attention. I stood up from the grassy area where I sat and dusted myself off. Mal came driving in on her scooter or motorcycle thing that Ben got her. It was a beauty. "Well look at the view." She said, taking off her helmet. I turned back and faced the isle. "When we get there, I'm going to the shop. I don't want anyone to know I'm there."

Mal looked at me with a hint of sympathy. "I won't say a word." She knew who I wanted to stay away from, and I'm relieved she didn't ask any questions. "I'll be in my old house, then head over to the shop. Hop on." She put her helmet back on and handed on to me. I slipped it on, making sure not to mess up my sleek black hair, and made my way on the scooter. I held on tight to her shoulders as she reached up to give my hand a reassuring squeeze. With that we rode on the water to the Isle.


"The barrier ruined my hair!" I groaned as we got off the motorcycle. I began brushing my fingers through my hair to flatten it down to my head. "A little help would be nice." Mal grunted as she tried to pull a big tarp over her bike. I huffed, "Once I get my hair to agree with me I'll help you." Using a metal piece that I found on the floor as a mirror I started to properly fix my hair.

"Done." I turned around ready to help Mal, but she already pulled the tarp to cover the last showing piece of her bike. "Now that's team work!" I put my hand up for a high five, but she rolled her eyes and walked right past me into the tunnels. "I was joking!" I laughed as I followed her.

Once we reached the end of the tunnels we went our separate ways as we said before, and my shop being the meet up point. I walked against the walls in the shadows, not wanting to draw attention to myself. People already hated me, imagine how much they hate me now that I'm an "Auradon Girl." After walking around for a little bit, I wasn't sure where I was going until I ended up with a good view of "Ursula's Fish and Chips." This was a coincidence. I found myself giving a death glare at a restaurant, how pathetic. I froze when I saw Mal walking up to the doors and slamming them open. What is she doing? I shook my head and decided to just head back to the shop. That's her business.

Walking into Lady Tremaine's Curl Up and Dye and smelling the chemical fumes gave me such nostalgia. I dropped my bag behind the register and leaned against the counter, my usual pose. "Hey Morgan." I smirked and turned my head to one of the salon chairs to see her sitting there, already staring at me. "Drisa... What are you doing back?" She stood up in disbelief, thinking she would never see me again. "Mal and I decided we needed a breather from all the pink and glitter." She laughed and quickly ran up to me, scooping me up into a hug. "I thought you would be mad at me."  I said. "Well I was for a bit, but I can never be mad at you for long. If I got a chance to get out of this dump I would too. Especially after..." She trailed off not wanting to cross any lines. I shook my head with a smile. "Auradon is pretty terrible, but everything is so luxurious compared to the isle. Which I definitely don't mind."

"After you left, Harry came over." Morgan said cautiously. Everyone thinks this is such a touchy subject for me but it's truly not. I think. "Yeah? Did he throw stuff?" I laughed while flipping through one of my old magazines. "Yup." Typical. "You better watch out for him while you're here, who knows what he'll do."

"Knowing Harry, he wouldn't deliberately hurt me. Can't say the same for others though" When we had fights he would turn and punch the closet thing near him out of anger and frustration. For example, a wall, a person, Gil. Oh if you knew how many times Gil was on the other end of that punch.

Morgan and I caught up for a about half an hour when Mal came barreling in. I wanted to question her on why she was at "Ursula's Fish and Chips" but I bit my tongue. Maybe I can just slowly ease into it- "Uma kidnapped Ben." Well... that wasn't that hard.

I think I've been writing this book for two years now. I'm barely on chapter 6. That's funny.

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