Dear diary 60

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Lenny, the narcissistic, wrinkly fuckhole that my family calls our homeowner is taking complete advantage over our family. 1. She has an unlicensed room in her backyard that my family has to live in 2. She refuses to get her dogs treatment for their disease 3. She charges my dad extra for no apparent reason.

The wifi bill is $49 dollars. Lenny made us pay $60 dollars but she never makes out roommate pay extra because she knows that we are in a bad situation but our roommate can provide for himself without her. He can just move out any time he wants, we can't, that's why she's taking advantage of us. Our roof is leaking because of bad construction, we pay extra. Our bathroom has mold because there's no fucking vent, we pay extra. We try to talk back, she threatens to kick us out. "CALCULATE YOUR OWN TAX!" She says, but why would we need to calculate our own tax if it should be on the fucking bills. It's not on the bills, she just makes it up for some extra money but my dad doesn't have the guts to ask to see it. She knows that my dad is a nice person and that she can just take advantage of his financial situation. Why are we paying 60 ducking dollars for the internet? Does our roommate not use the internet? Does she not use the internet? WHY ARE WE THE ONES PAYING. We can't even confront her cause she will threaten to kick us out. She made my dad pay for a maid that never even fucking came. We are all nice to her but she treats us like shit. She knows that she's putting us in a difficult situation but she doesn't fucking care cause all that matters to her is money. And she goes to church as if she's fucking god made but we all know she is Satan. We are paying for the whole house and she doesn't do shit except for steal our money. She's not even allowed to keep us in the house, the mold is getting us sick, she won't let us use the air conditioner because the bill will be too high bUT SHES NOT EVEN THE ONE FUCKING PAYING IT. There's a bug infestation, there's a fucking black widow nesting behind my bed but she won't let us bomb the house (get rid of the bugs) because she thinks it will mess up the ELECTRICITY.

There's rats everywhere, rat infestation. It's like the old lady's house from ratatouille. There are massive rats and there's rats in my dads room. One of them but him on the toe and she's like "Maybe you shouldn't eat in your room" BITCH HE DOESNT EVEN EAT IN HIS ROOM. The kitchen is filthy and rats run across the floor. We have grass, but she's too lazy to get rid of the weeds so her dogs can crap there so there's a patch of fake grass next to our door that they shit and piss in. She leaves us notes about not cleaning the stove but we don't even use the stove so what the fuck are you on about.

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