"This better be good." Khalia says as she answers her phone, laying on her couch lazily.
"Our brother impregnated a werewolf girl." At his words, the female shot up from her couch.
"I'm sorry, it sounded like you just told me that our vampire brother impregnated a woman." She said emphasizing on vampire.
"I'm well aware of that, Khalia, but he is also part werewolf." Elijah tells his little sister knowingly.
"Wonderful." She deadpans sarcastically as she realises he's right.
"There is a problem though. Two, if we're being specific." The male tells her and she groans audibly.
"What is it?" Khalia asks, not really wanting the answer.
"The girl, she's being held captive by witches." He starts but hesitates.
"And?" The female asks impatiently, she doesn't like waiting. It's a Mikaelson thing.
"Niklaus wants nothing to do with her." He tells her, knowing what her reaction will be.
"And I care because?" She asks uninterested. Elijah gritt his teeth in annoyance, he knew this would be her response. Ever since Kol died, she doesn't care about anything. Sure if her family's in trouble, she'll help. She is a Mikaelson but beyond that, she just goes out and gets high on blood.
"Because that baby is family and-" The dark haired man starts but gets cut of by the female.
"And we swore a vow to protect each other and stick together, Always and Forever. Yeah, I know, Elijah I was there." She tells him. "But what's the use of Always and Forever, if we can die?" The dark haired girl retorts in a bitter tone, refering to her twin brother, Kol.
"Khalia, please." Elijah pleads to her, hoping for her to see reason and maybe, just maybe she can learn to live again in the city she once called home.
With a deep sigh, Khalia asks, "Where are you?"
If someone told Khalia Mikaelson that she would be entering New Orleans once again, she would have laughed in your face and asked you where the hidden cameras are. Yet here she is, pulling up infront of the plantation she once lived in and called home. The enourmous white house, sorry not a house, a mansion. Like all of the other Mikaelson properties.
"Elijah! Klaus!" The Orginal called out as she entered the house, walking into the nearest room.
"Elijah's gone and I don't know where Klaus is." A female voice that the Original didn't know, called out from behind her. Khalia, taking the person as a threat she spins around and grab the woman by her throat and sped her against the nearest wall, ready to rip out her heart.
What happened next suprised both woman, as they locked eyes, brown clashing with brown, something unlocked in both of them. Khalia's hands fell to her side as did Hayley's. She was just about to attack the girl but then their eyes met. Neither could deny that they have never seen a woman as beautiful as the other.
Khalia has had several bedpartners over the course of the last thousand years but not one of them comes close to the woman in front of her and she hasn't even properly looked her over.

WAR OF HEARTS • hayley marshall
Fanfiction"SHE LOVED HER AGAINST REASON, AGAINST PROMISE, AGAINST PEACE, AGAINST HOPE, AGAINST HAPPINESS, AGAINST ALL DISCOURAGEMENT THAT COULD BE." In which Kol Mikaelson has a twin sister. OR A story about grieving, healing and learning to love again. *** [...