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The Mikaelson Compound was silent as the three Originals and one sire vampire layed dead. Klaus stirred first. His eyes widened when he saw the three bodies laying around him. He crawled over to his sister and nudged her. A sharp pain shot through his neck and his winced before bringing up his hand and rubbing it away. Getting your neck snapped was never fun and the Hybrid knew that his sister was going to be royally pissed of when she wakes up. And she would probably want to kill Davina.

"I fucking hate witches!" Khalia snarled the second she woke up from her snapped neck, curtsey of Davina. A groan mixed with a growl bubbled up from her throat and her vampire eyes flashed to the surface.

Marcel and Elijah awakes on the floor of the courtyard after their wounds have begun to heal. Elijah still has blood crusted all over his face, and Marcel's shirt is soaked in blood as well. The Demon Mikaelson raised and eyebrow at them.

"Well, isn't this monumentally awkward." Elijah quipped and his sister shot him a dark glare.

"Awkward? No. Infuriating? Yes." She snapped, getting up and pacing as her mind began to race a mile a minute - wondering where the little witch could have gone to hide.

Klaus pulls out his phone and calls his blonde sister. "Rebekah, where are you?"

"I'm with Davina, she's safe from all of you." The female snapped back, and Khalia listened to the background, trying to get a hint of where they might be. Sounds of groaning and lots of heart beats could be heard. Khalia smirked as she figured out where they were. Marcel's garden prison.

"Well, I tried to talk to her, out of respect for Marcel, but she made it quite clear she is not our friend. My apologies if you thought she was yours." Klaus quipped with a smirk and before he could say anything else, Rebekah hung up.

"So dramatic." The Hybrid rolled his eyes, eyeing the phone before putting it away in his pocket. He looked at his sister, who had a malicious smirk on her face. "Why do you like you're about to murder someone?" He asked, wariness swirling in his eyes as he looked at her.

"I know where they are." The malicious grin was intact and there was a crazed look in her eyes. Marcel took and involuntarily step backwards, not liking that look one bit. "And Davina Claire is a dead witch."

The brunette female speeds away, before any of them could recover. Taking short cuts she still remembers from when she lived here centuries ago, it didn't take her longer than a few minutes to arrive at the Garden. She once again used her vampire speed and strength to speed beneath the foundation and snap Rebekah and Josh's necks. She then grabbed the human by his neck and held him in the air in a chokehold - tightening her grip when Davina opened her mouth.

"One word, little bitch, and I'll snap his neck faster than you can blink." The Mikaelson snarled at the witch. Davina closed her mouth and Khalia smirked. "You know, people always think that my brother Klaus is the evil one. Then they meet me and like that-" She snapped her free hand's fingers. "They change their minds."

"I'll kill you." Davina promised with narrowed eyes as Tim struggled in the Demon Mikaelson's grip.

She grinned evilly. "Don't think so, witch girl." She looked up at the struggling human. "He's rather resilient." The Mikaelson smirked. "Having survived Nik and now he's in my hands. It's up to you if he'll survive."

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