Khalia Mikaelson doesn't think she has ever done something as mind numbingly boring, as what she is currently doing. She, Elijah and Marcel are in the rectory of the church, searching through all of the documents on the supernatural community. They have been at it for hours and they are still not finished. Every now and again, she would sigh loudly or groan as she closed yet another book without finding something. Her lack of patience may have also had an influence on her pissy mood.
"What's the chance of me leaving the pair of you here while I go get a drink and you come and get me when you've figured out what the big riddle is?" Khalia asked when she closed another book.
"Zero." Elijah answered offhandedly, not even glancing at his sister. Marcel, however, raised his eyebrows at the brunette girl and she pretended that she didn't see him.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." She sighed. Khalia knew she could just leave and neither her brother nor Marcel would be able to stop here. Thing is, as much as she's complained, the vampire doesn't want to leave. Khalia likes working with her brother, even if she wouldn't admit it with a white oak stake shoved in her face. Plus, she really wants to find her siblings - the pit of worry dug itself deeper with every passing second.
After a few seconds, Elijah broke the silence that envelope the three supernaturals once again. "Here’s another name from our list: Brynne Deveraux. Says here she drowned herself some twenty years ago. Do you recognize the name?"
"Brynne? Yeah, yeah, we used to hang out." He smirks and Khalia rolled her eyes at the insinuation in his voice. "Knock around a bit."
"You can spare me the details, please." Elijah requested, but it sounded more like a subtle command even to Khalia.
"She used to do some spells for me now and then. Girl had power. Cursed a whole pack of werewolves just because they were pissing me off." At this, Khalia's attention was grabbed. Earlier, when they phoned Hayley, she told them that she thought Brynne - which was actually Celeste in disguise - cursed her pack of werewolves. Looks like she was right. Marcel continued, "Speaking of, what do you think Klaus is gonna do when he finds out that you left him to suffer while you saved Hayley and her wolf friends?"
"Let’s avoid discussing matters that are not your concern, shall we, Marcellus?" Elijah suggested, wanting to redirect the topic of conversation before the sireling could run his mouth about Hayley and end up without his heart. Hayley is a very sensitive subject for his sister and she wouldn't hesitate to eliminate anyone she deems a threat towards the werewolf.
"Oh, come on, Elijah. I got guys all over this city. You honestly think that I don’t know that the Crescent wolves had a little family reunion out at the plantation last night? Thanks for letting the house burn, by the way. Good riddance! But my question is, what’s Hayley doing with that bunch?" Marcel continued his prodding and Elijah began internally panicking when he saw his sister tense. The only time that happened, was right before a fight or right after someone mentioned Kol. Neither of which had particularly good endings.
"Marcel, I’m aware of your history with the city’s wolves, and I assume you understand that if you lay a finger upon Hayley, it will be the last thing you do on this earth." Elijah said, hoping his words is enough to stow his sister's murderous and protective instincts.
"I see I hit a nerve." Marcel smirked. "And just when we were getting along." The next moment Marcel found himself dangling in the air, a hand wrapped tightly around his throat.

WAR OF HEARTS • hayley marshall
Fanfiction"SHE LOVED HER AGAINST REASON, AGAINST PROMISE, AGAINST PEACE, AGAINST HOPE, AGAINST HAPPINESS, AGAINST ALL DISCOURAGEMENT THAT COULD BE." In which Kol Mikaelson has a twin sister. OR A story about grieving, healing and learning to love again. *** [...