Khalia Mikaelson has wanted to kill her two brothers multiple times over the last millennia, but her desire to do so has never been as high as it was right now. The two have been bickering constantly since they’ve arrived at the Bayou and the female as been taking it under high consideration to leave them and search for Hayley on her own. The Mikaelson trio was near the werewolf encampments and Khalia was trying to listen if she could find the familiar double heartbeats that she has branded as Hayley’s.“We should head south towards the water.” Elijah said and Khalia frowned.
“Why?” She asked but never got an answer as Klaus once again started to bicker with his eldest brother once again.
“You seem quite determined to find the little wolf.” The Hybrid baited with a smirk on his lips. Khalia threw a glare in his direction.
“If I'm moving too fast for you, Niklaus, you're welcome to wait in the car. Do be certain to leave the windows down.” And that was when Khalia’s patience reached it’s end and she exploded. She sped in front of them.
“ENOUGH!” She practically roared, making the birds in the trees scatter away. Her vampire eyes was out and her glare murderous. The duo of brothers’ knew that they were about to get it good. “Hayley is missing. As in she’s gone. The woman carrying your child.” She jabbed a finger in Klaus’ direction. “They woman you promised to protect.” She pointed to Elijah. “And the woman I don’t want to lose.” Her brother’s eyes widened at her words but she was so busy being mad at them that she didn’t even notice it. “So, you two are going to put your big boy panties on, move your differences aside and help me find her. Because so help me God, if something happens to her because you couldn’t put your differences apart, I won’t forgive you. ”
“Alright.” Elijah agreed, fixing his cufflinks.
“Niklaus?” She asked sharply. He nodded distractedly and begins to sniff at the air as he looked around.
“Have you found her scent?” Elijah asked his brother, and Khalia keeps a curious and hopeful eye on her brother with the werewolf nose.
“Klaus!” She snapped when he took to long for her liking to respond. The trio comes upon an SUV and Klaus starts searching through its contents. Khalia was fuming inside because he wouldn’t answer them.
The Hybrid groans before finally answering, much to the relief of Khaia, “No, but I found someone else's. This vehicle reeks of someone I thought I was rid of... Tyler Lockwood.” Khalia groaned before face-palming. She must have know that their troubles from Mystic Falls would follow him. And Khalia isn’t to sure that Klaus would actually kill Tyler because of a certain blonde cheerleader.
“And why would your little hybrid-sidekick from Mystic Falls have any interest in Hayley?” Elijah asked. Sometimes Khalia forgets that their eldest living brother wasn’t with them in Mystic Falls all the time. It’s funny if you really think about it, Khalia and Hayley were in the same little town at the same time, but they never met each other.
“He wants revenge because I went after his girl.” Klaus answered vaguely and the female rolled her eyes, knowing that Elijah won’t buy what he’s selling.
“Oh please, Caroline’s not even that interesting. She’s hot, but beyond that I don’t see anything worth fighting over.” Khalia snarled at her brother. His obsession with the Forbes vampire girl had gotten them into a lot of troubles.

WAR OF HEARTS • hayley marshall
Fanfiction"SHE LOVED HER AGAINST REASON, AGAINST PROMISE, AGAINST PEACE, AGAINST HOPE, AGAINST HAPPINESS, AGAINST ALL DISCOURAGEMENT THAT COULD BE." In which Kol Mikaelson has a twin sister. OR A story about grieving, healing and learning to love again. *** [...