"So, are you really hungry, or just jealous?" Khalia asked, lips adoring a smirk, once they reached the kitchen. She stared at the pregnant werewolf expectantly.
"Both?" Hayley's answer sounded more like a question. Khalia picked her up and gently put her on the counter, knowing that Hayley likes watching her work, if the way she kept her eyes glued to the vampire last time they were in here was any indication.
Khalia stepped closer to her, standing in between Hayley's legs. "Hayley, there is nothing to be jealous of."
"Yes, there is." Hayley nodded her head firmly, enjoying the closeness with the vampire. "She's the competition. I have to take her out."
Khalia snorted in amusement, then cocked her head in curiosity. "Competition for what, exactly? My attention?"
"That too." Hayley looked like she was reciting the universe's fundamental truths. "But mostly your heart."
The look on Khalia's face was impossibly soft and fond. The werewolf's breath caught in her throat because finally, she looks at me that way. Only, it was with so much more depth and adoration. "Hayley, when I said there's nothing to be jealous of, I meant that you don't have anything to be jealous of because I do not see her that way. I would never allow her any of what I allow you."
"And how do you see me?" Hayley asked in a whisper, mind racing over those words. How did Khalia see her? Was it just different from Francesca because she didn't like her and she liked Hayley more than Francesca? Or was it different because Hayley is different from anyone else in this world for her? Like Khalia is for Hayley.
Khalia thought for a few moments, thinking her words over carefully. Finally she settled on, "I don't fancy her."
Hayley's heart stopped in her chest, eyes widening, but still. She has to know for sure. "What about me?"
Khalia raised a brow, "If I say no, will you stop pursuing me?"
Hayley didn't even have to think about her answer. "No, I won't."
"Then I guess there is no use in lying, is there?" Khalia asked with a sly smile.
"So, you do see me that way?" Hayley frowned a little impatiently, not able to figure it out and even if she could, she didn't want to draw conclusions without a real answer.
"Yes, I fancy you." Khalia admitted shyly with a roll of her eyes, ignoring the way her cheeks started heating up. "Now, what do you want to eat?"
Hayley wanted jump up and down in joy, dance in happiness, but just accepted the change in conversation with a grace she had no idea she possessed. I fancy you, the words resounded in her head. Butterflies erupted in her stomach and the werewolf girl smiled goofily at her vampire, heart filled to the brim with all of the love she felt for Khalia. "A chicken and mayo sandwich."
"Coming right up." Khalia gave her a small smile and the only thing Hayley regretted about this day so far, was the fact that Khalia moved away from her to make the food.
Later on, Hayley - who was armed with her sandwiches - and Khalia, along with her brother's watched carefully as Genevieve continues to cast the moonlight ring spell in the Mikaelson compound. Khalia had no idea what was going on, but didn't care as long as the end product is what was promised.

WAR OF HEARTS • hayley marshall
Fanfiction"SHE LOVED HER AGAINST REASON, AGAINST PROMISE, AGAINST PEACE, AGAINST HOPE, AGAINST HAPPINESS, AGAINST ALL DISCOURAGEMENT THAT COULD BE." In which Kol Mikaelson has a twin sister. OR A story about grieving, healing and learning to love again. *** [...