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It was dark outside when three Originals, a pregnant werewolf and a witch was sitting outside the plantation. Hayley had a towel around her shoulders, her arms wrapped loosely around Khalia's waist and the female brunette Mikaelson had an arm wrapped around her shoulders protectively as Hayley's head rested on her chest. Worry and concern swirled around in Khalia's frozen heart, the pit in her stomach deepening as Hayley's temperature continues to rise. Rebekah was standing behind the sitting duo, her thoughts swirling around in the conversation she had with Marcel while collecting the herbs. '

"How's her temperature?" Sophie asked, again, while Elijah assists Sophie in helping with the herbs. Khalia glared at the witch harshly. Elijah saw the look on his sister's face and decided to answer before Sophie got a stick thrown in her neck as soon as the spell was broken.

"She's burning up! We need to do this now." The noble Original shouted.

"Get her in the water!" The Deveraux girl yelled.

Khalia scooped Hayley up into her arms - the werewolf wrapping her arms around the vampire's neck - before getting into the pool carefully stepping that she doesn't slip and drown the pregnant girl in her arms. Sophie mixes herbs in a cup and follows them into the water as well. The witch sees the dangerous and warning glint in Khalia's eyes as she approached the two. It was a look that read, 'Hurt her and your death will be slow and painful.' Sophie gave a nod, indicating that she wouldn't hurt her.

"I don't see how a midnight swim is supposed to help." Rebekah said frustratedly.

"I have to agree with, Rebekah, I do not see the relevance." Elijah quipped, watching how his sister's eyes doesn't waver from the wolf girl even once.

"Her temperature is sky-high. The water, with the help of the herbs, should cool us down."

"Should?" Khalia growls out, flashing her vampire eyes at the witch.

"It's not an exact science." The witch defends quickly, a glaring Khalia Mikaelson was scary, but a glaring Khalia Mikaelson with her vampire eyes out is something so downright terrifying that it would give her brother Klaus Mikaelson nightmares. She holds out the herbal concoction to Hayley, who untangles her hands from Khalia's neck and takes it with shaking hands. "Drink this!" She orders the werewolf before she turns to Khalia, "You're going to have to get her heart rate down."

"How do you suggest I do that?" Khalia asked the witch, seriously for once and not sarcastic or uncaring.

"Well, you holding her is what I'd recommend. It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate and reduce blood pressure. But since you are already doing that, I'd suggest talking to her."

The brunette female Mikaelson shot Sophie a disbelieving look. "Talk to her about what?"

"I don't know, tell her a story or something." The witch retorted. Okay, Khalia thought, that is something I can work with.

"This is never gonna work." The worry in Rebekah's voice was as clear as daylight.

"Davina will break the link, we just need time." Elijah assured her, but neither of his sisters believed him. The fear around Khalia's heart intensified as Hayley clinged tighter to said vampire and groans as she gasps for breath. The vampire didn't like all this feelings, she didn't like that she was so weak around this wolf girl that could stop her heart with a smile.

WAR OF HEARTS • hayley marshallWhere stories live. Discover now