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“Khalia!” Klaus barged into his sister’s room, voice loud and enough to make her jump upright as she was yelled into consciousness, hair standing in every direction as she looked at him with eyes full of sleep.

“This better be bloody good, Nik. I was having a rather nice dream.” Khalia complained through a yawn, voice groggy with sleep, rubbing at her eyes before running her hands over the birds nest atop her head.

A sly smirk spread on the Hybrid’s face, momentarily forgetting why he screamed his sister awake. “Oh, did you now? Say, it didn’t happen to involve you and a certain werewolf girl with no amount of clothing, did it?”

Khalia hurled one of her pillows at her brother, cheeks flaming at the mere idea. The Hybrid caught the pillow easily.  “Not all of us are perverse like you are.”

“Well, how would I know what goes on in that dark and twisted mind of yours?” Klaus questioned innocently, tossing the pillow back on the bed, clasping his hands behind his back.

Khalia fell back down on her bed, threw an arm over her eyes as she searched for patience and strength. “Is there any particular reason why you came to scream me awake, Nik?”

“Right, well on to business then. Have you seen mother’s grimoire?”  Klaus asked his sister, voice hardening a little.

Khalia removed the arm over her eyes, looked at her brother like he’s lost a few marbles. “Uh, no. Why would I have? You know witch mumbo-jumbo was Kol’s area of expertise.”

At her answer, resignation welled up in the Hybrid. He knew it, but he asked his sister just in case he was wrong. Annoyance made a growl rise in his chest, rumbling up his throat and escape his lips in a harsh snarl of, “Elijah.”

Khalia snickered at the look on her brother’s face. “Do you think he’s finally figured out what you’ve been doing behind his back?”

The Hybrid pondered the question for a few seconds. “No, but if he hid mother’s spell book, then he certainly suspects something.”

Khalia nodded against her pillow, another yawn breaking through. “Right, well, good luck then, brother. I’m going back to sleep.”

“No, you’re helping me find it.” Klaus informed her matter-of-factly.

“And when exactly did I become your assistant?”

Klaus gave her a cheery grin, “Don’t make it sound so dreadful, Khalia, you can simply think of it as moral support.”

She closed her eyes, pulling her blankets up and over her shoulders. “I’ll pass, but thank you.”

“Please.” He uttered softly. Khalia’s eyes opened, locked on her brother’s, saw the clear blue eyes that was trained on her in silent question.

“I hate you.” Khalia groaned exaggeratedly as she threw her blanket off her, and got out of bed to get dressed.

Twenty minutes later, the two Mikaelson siblings were in Elijah’s study. Klaus was rummaging through his desk, desperately looking for the grimoire that Elijah took from him. Khalia was lounging on the couch lazily, content to watch her brother search.

WAR OF HEARTS • hayley marshallWhere stories live. Discover now